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to English Summer Camp 2015! Day 7 in the American Corner

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1 to English Summer Camp 2015! Day 7 in the American Corner
Day 7 in the American Corner

I went to the market and bought ….. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

To share with others Word Formation SENTENCE Picture generous (adjective) generosity (noun) generously (adverb) My sister always gives me money. She is very generous. She is a very generous girl.

4 It is a FACT, people who read more…
Are able to communicate ideas better Are able to think creatively Are more likely to go to college Are more likely to get higher paying jobs Are better writers Will see more places and more success in life!

adjective: grate-ful being thankful талархал

6 What is one thing you are grateful for today?
 Өнөөдөр чиний хувьд талархан баярлаж байгаа зүйл чинь юу вэ?

7 Author: Shel Silverstein
Born on September 25, in Chicago, Illinois Began writing and drawing at a young age because he didn’t fit in He became a cartoonist, playwright, poet, performer, recording artist, and Grammy- winning, Oscar-nominated songwriter. Drew because he wasn’t popular Publishers didn’t want the book because they said they couldn’t tell if it was a book for adults or for children. Became one of the most read books in the US

8 Vocabulary: Selfish vs. Selfless

9 The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

10 Before we read … What do you think this book is about?
Why is this tree called a ‘Giving Tree’? What do you like to give others?

11 Stop & Think: Page 26 What are you picturing as you hear the story? (Use your imagination) Draw a picture to describe the story so far. Share and explain with your partner

12 Stop & Think: Page 26 Why is the tree happy?
What is the boy and tree’s relationship? Why does the boy love the tree?

13 PREDICTION: What do you think will happen next?

14 And the boy did and The tree was happy. The End.

15 Post Reading Questions
Why do you think Shel Silverstein wrote this book ? What do you think it means to love someone? Can you love someone too much? Who is happy throughout the story, the tree or the boy? Why? How can you relate this story to the real world?

16 Exit Question What is one way YOU can give back to others, your community, or nature?

17 Let’s take a break!

18 It’s lunch time. What time is it? Are you hungry?


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