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Formal commands Preview Formal commands Spelling changes

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1 Formal commands Preview Formal commands Spelling changes
Plural forms of commands

2 Formal commands To tell someone you address as usted to do something, use formal commands. To form them, replace the final -o of the yo form with -e for -ar verbs and -a for -er and -ir verbs. comprar: yo compro comer: yo como abrir: yo abro compre (buy) no compre (don’t buy) coma (eat) no coma (don’t eat) abra (open) no abra (don’t open) Abra la ventana, por favor. Open the window, please.

3 Spelling changes Verbs ending in -car, -gar, -zar, -ger, and -guir have spelling changes in their formal command forms. sacar: saque (take out) no saque (don’t take out) llegar: llegue (arrive) no llegue (don’t arrive) organizar: organice (organize) no organice (don’t organize) recoger: recoja (pick up) no recoja (don’t pick up) seguir (i): siga (keep going) no siga (don’t keep going) No llegue tarde. Don’t arrive late to first period.

4 Plural forms of commands
To tell two or more people to do or not to do something, add -n to the formal command form. Muchachos, abran la ventana, por favor. Ramón y Alfredo, no vean tanta televisión.

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