Comments on WLTP documentation

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1 Comments on WLTP documentation
for Type Approval Taskforce under EU WLTP BMW |

2 Procedure EVAP description
Paragraph: Appendix 4, Addendum to EC type-approval certificate No … Current text: Type 4: … g/test; test procedure in accordance with Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 692/2008: Yes/No Proposal: Clarification on procedure reasonable: according to: R83; 2017/1151 NEDC; 2017/1151 WLTC. Justification: To be able to distinguish between 2 day NEDC and 2 day WLTP test. WLTP | BMW |

3 Family Identifier Page 1/2
Objective: The idea is, if one vehicle is selected for a market surveillance test, to find other vehicles in the same family. Boundary condition: On the basis of that idea / demand from EU Commission, after having tested one vehicle, the following information is available: data from transparency database (always) data from that specific vehicle Find next vehicle in same family: The next step is, how to find another vehicle in the same family. It should be clearly stated, that there is no path, that would allow for that with an 100% certainty. But there should be possibilities, to achieve that with a high probability. WLTP | BMW |

4 Family Identifier Page 2/2
For the family identifier, that three options are on the table: Change such, that every family is covered, but the coding is left to the decision of the OEM, only restriction is to be unique. Example for IP-Family: "IP-WMI-xxxx". xxxx is a string between 4 and 30 characters or numbers. Require a specific coding, that has some meaning to facilitate the vehicle selection for market surveillance purposes. Leave at it is  System has problems, does not provide a solution for all relevant families and naming has no meaning. Assessment of the 2nd option: All elements marked with "X" will not further help in finding another vehicle in the family, as all that data are already clear and known from the vehicle tested, or for that case of the charging system, will not help for that process. Therefore it just increases burden in producing that number without benefit. An OEM coding might be more helpful, as it may contain additional information. If not, than it is the same level of information as option 2. Recommendation: Adopt Option 1. Justification: Internal OEM codes are well known by authorities and will help them for identification. The same is valid for the Road Load Family, but maybe not for Ki and EVAP or DF. For that purpose, Ki and EVAP experts to be asked. For IP-Family: IP-WMI-a-b-cccc-ddd-e-f-ggg-hhh-ii-j-nnnn a: fuel type, e.g. Diesel X e: DI / non-DI in transparency DB ii: transmission, gears, type b: combustion type, e.g. HEV f: charging maybe interesting?  X j: powered axles cccc: displacement ggg: EM number + 2char nnnn: sequence number to make family unique ddd: power hhh: full load (power) WLTP | BMW |

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