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Time Periods In American Literature

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1 Time Periods In American Literature

2 Puritan: 1650-1750 Christian Utopia “be a city upon a hill”
Sermons, Diaries, Narratives Reinforces the authority of the Bible and Church

3 Puritan Cont. A person’s fate is determined by God
All corrupt and must be saved by Christ Works: Huswifery – Edward Taylor Pg 94

4 Age of Enlightenment: 1750-1800
National Mission and American Character Democratic Utopia Use of Reason

5 Age of Enlight. Cont. Patriotism Grows Instill Pride
Political Pamphlets Travel Writing Fiction Employs Generic Plots and Characters Fiction Often Tells The Story of How an Innocent Young Woman is Tested by a Seductive Male Patriotism Grows Instill Pride Shows Differences between Americans and Europeans

6 Age of Enlightenment Cont.
Tells Readers How to Interpret What They are Reading To Encourage Revolutionary War Support Works Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography

7 Romanticism 1800-1855 Idealism
Focus on the Individual’s Inner Feelings Imagination Over Reason Literary Tales Poetry Transcendentalism: principles of reality are to be discovered by the study of the processes of thought, or a philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual over scientific

8 Romanticism Cont. Emily Dickenson Gender Roles Were Defined
Allow People to Re-imagine the American Past

9 Realism

10 Realism People in Society Defined By Class
Society Corrupted By Materialism Novels and Short Stories Become Important Mark Twain!!!

11 Modernism: 1900-1946 Disillusion, Defiance, Discontent
People Unable to Communicate Effectively People Dwelled On The Past Faulkner Porter The Jilting of Granny Weatherall pg. 848

12 Modernism – Harlem Renaissance 1920’s
Celebrated Characteristics of African-American Life Celebrates New Life As Americans Used The Structure of Blues Songs In Poetry Gave Birth to a New Form of Religious Music Called “Gospel” Migration to Northern Urban Cities

13 Post-Modernism: 1946- Present

14 Post Modernism Cont. People Observe Life as The Media Presents It, Rather Than Experiencing It Pop Culture Takes Over Fantasy Blurs Lines of Reality For The Reader

15 Post-Modernism Cont Overwhelming Technological Changes
Rise Of Youth Culture Speeches JFK Martin Luther King Jr

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