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Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity

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1 Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity
Chapter 5 Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity

2 5.1 The Roman World Takes Shape - Objectives -
Describe the physical and cultural settings in which Roman civilization arose. Outline how the Roman republic was structured and governed. Understand the rights and religious practices that characterized Roman society. Explain how the Roman republic grew and maintained its conquest.

3 Terms, People, and Places 5.1
Etruscans Republic Patrician Consul Dictator Plebeian Tribune Veto Legion

4 Lecture 5.1 Roman Civilization Arise in Italy
The Romans Establish a Republic Characterizing Roman Society The Roman Republic Grows

5 Formative Assessment 5.1 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

6 5.2 From Republic to Empire - Objectives -
Understand how the Roman republic grew through a series of conquests. Identify the events leading to the decline of the Roman republic. Describe the nature of the new age that dawned with the Roman empire.

7 Terms, People, and Places 5.2
Imperialism Latifundia Tiberius Gracchus Galius Gracchus Julius Caesar Augustus Census Hadrian

8 Lecture 5.2 Rome Grows Through Conquest The Roman Republic Declines
The Age of the Roman Empire Dawns

9 Formative Assessment 5.2 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

10 5.3 The Roman Achievement - Objectives -
Summarize the works of Roman literary figures, historians, and philosophers. Describe the art and architecture developed by the Romans. Understand how the Romans applied science and mathematics for practical use. Explain how Rome’s legal codes protected everyone in the empire.

11 Terms, People, and Places 5.3
Virgil Satirize Mosaic Engineering Aqueduct Ptolemy

12 Lecture 5.3 Romans Write Literature, History, and Philosophy
Roman Art and Architecture Develops Romans Apply Science and Mathematics for Practical Use New Law Codes Protect the Empire

13 Formative Assessment 5.3 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

14 5.4 The Rise of Christianity - Objectives -
Understand the diverse religions included in the early Roman empire. Summarize the teachings of Jesus and how they were spread. Outline the development of the early Christian Church.

15 Terms, People, and Places 5.4
Messiah Apostle Paul Martyr Constantine Clergy Bishop Patriarch Pope Heresy Augustine

16 Lecture 5.4 Early Empire Includes Divers Religions
Jesus Proclaims His Teachings The Message of Christianity The Early Christian Church Develops

17 Formative Assessment 5.4 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nab]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

18 5.5 The Long Decline - Objectives -
Explain how and why the Roman empire divided. Describe how waves of invaders contributed to the decline of the Roman empire. Identify the various types of problems that led to the fall of Rome.

19 Terms, People, and Places 5.5
Diocletian Inflation Constantinople Huns Mercenary

20 Lecture 5.5 The Roman Empire Divides
Invaders Threaten the Roman Empire Many Problems Cause Rome to Fall

21 Formative Assessment 5.5 (Bridge Page)
Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Section 5 Progress Monitoring (1-10)

22 Summative Assessment Chapter 5 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 5 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1-20)

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