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Vocabulary Unit 6.

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1 Vocabulary Unit 6

2 The parent acceded to the child’s pleading and they went on the roller coaster.

3 To agree to a demand or a request
accede-(verb) To agree to a demand or a request Synonym: assent

4 The knight brandished his sword wildly in hopes of scaring off his opponent.

5 brandish-(verb) To wave in a strong or threatening way Synonym:
to swing/shake

6 Before he could read, Billy looked at books comprised of only pictures.

7 comprised of-(verb) To be made up of Synonym: composed of

8 The deft fingers of Spanish nuns produced some of the finest, most delicate lace ever seen.

9 deft-(adjective) Skillful; nimble Synonym: adroit

10 After hurricane Katrina, the Red Cross gave aid to homeless and destitute people in Louisiana.

11 destitute-(adjective)
Lacking necessities of life Synonym: needy; poor

12 Many people like to use a GPS because it gives explicit driving directions.

13 explicit-(adjective)
Definite; clearly stated Synonym: clear

14 We must do everything we can to extirpate racism from American society.

15 extirpate-(verb) To tear up by the roots; to destroy totally
synonym: wipe out

16 The student asked if he could go to the bathroom at a highly inopportune moment during class.

17 Inopportune-(adjective)
Coming at a bad time; inappropriate Synonym: inconvenient

18 It is very ironic to see a cuddly poodle with the name “Killer.”

19 ironic-(adjective) amusing or unusual because something strange or unexpected happens
Synonym- incongruous

20 The musty smell in the attic probably came from all of the socks we have been saving.

21 musty-(adjective) stale

22 The manager of the store warned the sales clerks not to be too officious when helping customers.

23 officious-(adjective) too forward in offering services or telling others what to do

24 The ominous sound of distant thunder warned us of the storm’s approach.

25 ominous-(adjective) threatening
Synonym- not favorable

26 Some pop musicians reach the pinnacle of their careers early in life.

27 pinnacle-(noun) a high point
Synonym- summit; peak

28 Some crimes are spontaneous acts of passion; others are quite premeditated.

29 premeditated-(adjective) deliberately planned
Synonym- preplanned

30 All kinds of odd rumors run rampant during a political campaign.

31 rampant-(adjective) running wild
Poison ivy growing rampant Synonym- widespread; unrestrained

32 The jazz music gave the young man a kind of solace.

33 solace-(noun) OR (verb) comfort; relief
Synonym-to soothe; to reassure

34 The stately and royal wedding procession of Prince William slowly made its way to the cathedral.

35 stately-(adjective) dignified
Inauguration of President Obama January 2009 synonym- grand, magnificent

36 The ballet dancer’s supple body moved with great ease and grace.

37 supple-(adjective) bending easily

38 Police sometimes use pepper spray to suppress protesters.

39 suppress-(verb) to stop by force; to put down
Synonym- to subdue or to stifle

40 The American public does not like venal public figures.

41 venal-(adjective) open to bribery or corruption
Synonym- corrupt; dishonest

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