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Imperatives on Research Commercialization;

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1 Imperatives on Research Commercialization;
Technology Transfer & Entrepreneurship Partnerships 13th October, 2016 Sami Bashir – PhD, RTTP Technology Transfer Office King Abdullah University of Science & Technology – KAUST

2 Discussion Points: Context of Public-Private Partnerships
What are the boundaries? Partnership Models Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem Outlook

3 1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships
Market Human  Universities Government  Business  Discovery

4 1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships
Scientists/Engineers/Professionals Inventors Entrepreneurs Human Technology Transfer Offices Sponsored Research Offices Legal Offices Universities Ministries Regulatory Offices Legal & Judiciary Government Industries Investors Start-ups Business

5 1. Context of Public-Private Partnerships
 KAUST Reserved Rights The relation between university and start-up is ideal representation of a public-private partnership This gives understanding at the micro-level on needs and challenges At the macro-level, what activities/models that can be adopted to face some of the challenges Finally, predict the prospect of the innovation ecosystem

6 2. What are the boundaries?
Ideally boundaries must be clearly delineated and seamlessly operating, but life is far from being ideal…. Boundaries between legal, financial, employment, and technology The government is taking considerable initiatives to close gaps Different innovation ecosystems and different partnership models and interactions between universities and entrepreneurs.

7 3. Partnership Models Economic cities; e.g. King Abdullah Economic City Partnership Initiatives Industrial cities; e.g. Yanbu Industrial City Technology Research Parks; e.g. Makkah Techno-valley Incubators; e.g. Badir Program at KACST Talents Training & Support; e.g. Mawhiba Industries; e.g. Waed

8 4. Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem

9 4. Partnerships in KAUST Ecosystem
In addition; Mentorship Training Connections and networking PROOF-OF-CONCEPT NEW COMPANIES FIELD STATION

10 5. Outlook Skilled human capital and manpower are progressively growing Positive steps in narrowing technology development/product gaps Engagement with policy and decision makers still needed in areas such as: 1- IP Framework and enforcement 2- Financial and company regulatory framework 3- Labor and employment laws Encouraging signs on industry investment on start-ups Likely model to have government/industry co-investing to push Innovation and new technologies

11 THANK YOU @KAUSTinnovation

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