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CAO NO. 3, S. 2014: Revised Guidelines in the Operation of Regional Quality Assessment Teams (RQATs) Date of issuance: September 10, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CAO NO. 3, S. 2014: Revised Guidelines in the Operation of Regional Quality Assessment Teams (RQATs) Date of issuance: September 10, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAO NO. 3, S. 2014: Revised Guidelines in the Operation of Regional Quality Assessment Teams (RQATs) Date of issuance: September 10, 2014

2 Section 1. Rationale This CHED Administrative Order (CAO) provides the procedure and guidelines governing the operations of the Regional Quality Assessment Teams (RQATs). The RQATs in the different clusters of disciplines provide technical assistance to the CHED Regional Offices (CHEROs) in the monitoring and evaluation of programs of higher education institutions (HEIs) in terms of compliance with the minimum requirements as embodied in the Policies, standards and Guidelines (PSGs).

3 Section 2. Composition The RQATs are pool of experts to be tapped by the CHEDROs and shall be organized in the different clusters of disciplines. In case of dearth of experts in certain disciplines in the region, the CHEDRO may tap the CHED Technical Panels/Technical Committees to serve in such capacity. As the need arises, when there is perceived conflict of interest for the existing RQAT members or there are no available RQAT members in the region, a CHEDRO may invite the RQAT members from the nearby Regions.

4 The members of the RQATs shall preferably come from:
HEIs with autonomous/deregulated status, or with COE/COD programs, or with programs accredited by recognized accrediting bodies Relevant industry/sector Relevant accredited/recognized Professional Associations/Organization Appropriate government/non-government agencies

5 Section 3. Criteria (Qualification Requirement)
A Filipino citizen and of good moral character; Known to have the integrity and credibility in the practice of his/her profession; Must be a graduate from reputable higher education institution/s: 3.1 At least a master’s degree holder in his/her field of specialization or with extensive industry experience or a successful practitioner, if to be involved in the evaluation of undergraduate programs 3.2 At least a doctorate degree holder in his/her field of specialization, if to be involved in the evaluation of graduate programs

6 (Cont.) Section 3. Criteria (Qualification Requirement) Must have a valid license from the Professional Regulation Commission, if applicable; and Must be an active member of professional organization/s, if applicable.

7 Section 7. Code of Conduct of RQAT Members
The RQAT members shall be required to execute a Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Statement and Non-Disclosure Agreement between CHEDRO Director and RQAT members based on CHED Order No. 1, series of 2013, entitled “Policies and Procedures for Handling Conflict of Interest with CHED Officials and Employees, Auditors, Evaluators, Members of Technical Panel, Technical Committees, Technical Working Groups, and Regional Quality Assessment Teams (RQATs), Consultants and Other Experts.

8 Section 7. Code of Conduct of RQAT Members
The result of the evaluation/ocular inspection are confidential in nature, hence, RQAT members are required to sign confidentiality clause per CHED Order No. 1, series of 2013. RQAT members are prohibited from rendering any consultancy services and/or serving as brokers/agents in the procurement of books and equipment and other services which may be perceived as precondition to the grant of Government Authority. Acts committed by RQAT members that are inimical to public interest shall result, after due process, in the revocation of their appointment.

9 Section 8. Procedure and Guidelines in the Conduct of Evaluation and Monitoring Activities by RQAT
At least two (2) RQAT members shall be authorized by the CHEDRO Director to conduct ocular inspection/visit to the applicant HEI. There shall be no CHEDRO Education Supervisor to join the RQAT ocular inspection/visit, but on a case to case basis, the CHEDRO Director may allow their involvement in the activity. The CHEDRO notifies the concerned HEI on the date of the ocular inspection/visit and the specific program to be evaluated/monitored.

10 Section 8. Procedure and Guidelines in the Conduct of Evaluation and Monitoring Activities by RQAT
The specific procedures in the conduct of ocular visit/inspection shall be as follows: courtesy call to the head and officials of the institution; conduct of preliminary meeting with the school officials and concerned staff stating the purpose of the visit; ocular inspection of facilities, equipment and other requirements in accordance with the existing PSGs; and evaluation of additional documents as may be deemed necessary.

11 Section 8. Procedure and Guidelines in the Conduct of Evaluation and Monitoring Activities by RQAT
The members of the inspection team shall meet to deliberate and prepare the narrative report and the results/findings prior to the conduct of the exit conference. During the exit conference, the designated RQAT team leader shall inform the HEI officials and discuss major findings of the evaluation. The head of the institution or the highest official present shall be requested to sign the conforme section of the evaluation or monitoring instrument. The HEI official shall be given signed copy of the accomplished evaluation instrument.

12 Section 8. Procedure and Guidelines in the Conduct of Evaluation and Monitoring Activities by RQAT
Within five (5) working days after evaluation/ ocular inspection, the duly accomplished evaluation instrument together with the documentary attachments shall be submitted by the RQAT members to the Office of the Regional Director. ..\RQAT Report on Evaluation of Application Favorable Recommendation Pending Compliance with Minor Deficiencies.doc ..\RQAT Report on Evaluation of Application.doc ..\RQAT Report on Evaluation of Applications - with major deficiencies.doc

13 Section 8. Procedure and Guidelines in the Conduct of Evaluation and Monitoring Activities by RQAT
7. Under no circumstances should the evaluation report of the members of the RQAT containing its findings be altered. 8. The evaluation report shall be used as basis of the CHEDRO Director in taking appropriate action on the HEI application.

14 Section 9. Honorarium RQAT members are entitled to receive honorarium per program evaluated subject to submission of the evaluation reports and other documents. Section 10. Food, Accommodation and Travel Expenses Transportation, per diem and other incidental expenses to be incurred by the RQAT members in the conduct of the evaluation/ocular inspection shall be shouldered by the CHEDRO subject to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

15 Thank you!

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