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Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons Safety Equipment Education and Pyrotechnic Flare Disposal for Recreational Boaters Update, March 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons Safety Equipment Education and Pyrotechnic Flare Disposal for Recreational Boaters Update, March 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons Safety Equipment Education and Pyrotechnic Flare Disposal for Recreational Boaters Update, March 2018

2 Introduction Objectives Training Q & A

3 Project Objectives Provide education on required safety equipment, the care and maintenance of that equipment and how to safely and effectively use flares when needed. At the same time to raise the recreational boating public awareness of the need to dispose of outdated flares in a timely and safe manner and to offer them an annual opportunity to do so. Upon return of outdated flares to selected host Squadrons and their partner retailers, the outdated flares will be shipped to CIL Orion for neutralization (disposal).

4 Locations In 2014 there were 10 events from Coast to Coast.
In 2015 there were 29 events in 27 locations. In 2016 there were 36 events in 33 locations. In 2017 there were 33 events in 31 locations.

5 Volunteer Training Little training was required but volunteers had to be able to identify expired marine flares. Collect and pack up flares in the provided shipping packaging. Complete provided Report Forms. Ensure that no commercial flares were accidently accepted and included.

6 Activity Targets Organized up to 36 groups of volunteers from selected Squadrons or Districts who in turn worked closely with ten marine retailers who offer CIL Orion Pyrotechnic products.*CIL Orion products may not be exclusive. With the necessary staff and volunteer support these partners provided opportunities for the recreational boating public to dispose of outdated flares and learn about other required safety equipment and how to select and use flares within all of the identified locations during the boating seasons. Distributed available support materials including legally required shipping containers and labels to be provided by CIL/Orion. Created a visual catalogue that identifies marine flares that may be turned in and those that will not be accepoted.

7 2014: 9300 flares collected 2015: flares collected 2016: flares collected 2017: flares collected

8 9,300 Flares collected



11 PR and Marketing Materials
Brochure Poster Social media/newsletter material Media release Brochure that visually identifies acceptable outdated flares


13 Programme Activity Check List
Tasks Responsibility Central Programme Management Central Promotion Materials Production Identification of Retailers Shipping and containers National Volunteer Coordination National Marketing Local Marketing Locations Identify and Train Local Volunteers Promote Boating Safety and Education Distribute Education Materials Promote CPS-ECP Product Discounts Collection and listing of outdated flares Shipping Containers Overnight storage and return shipping Flare Neutralization/Disposal HQ, John Gullick HQ, Vanessa Schmidt CIL/Orion Mike Smith HQ, Vanessa Schmidt and CIL/Orion Squadron(s), District, Retailers CIL/Orion Retailers Local Squadron(s), District Local Squadron(s),District Local Retailers Squadron(s) Volunteers Page 46

14 Squadron Activity Check List
The following are guidelines for creating and executing your event. We encourage you to assign a point person to manage this event for you and to use the free tools and resources available on the Marketing Tools section of our web site (log-in required). 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT: Secure your event site at the identified local CIL/Orion Retailer Assign point person Prepare and train volunteers Identify any marketing or giveaway items and order appropriate quantities Add event details to your Squadron Newsletter Have your SEO post your event on the CPS-ECP Course and Event Calendar under and list continues to the event day

15 CIL/Orion Retailer Check List
The following are guidelines for creating and executing your event. 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO EVENT: Confirm your event site with the local Squadron/District Assign a person to liaise with the Squadron/District Prepare your staff Identify any marketing, giveaway items or discounts you may offer Add event details to your business Newsletter under: Safety Equipment Education and Pyrotechnic Flare Disposal for Recreational Boaters  Add the event information to your webpage …….and list continues to event day

16 CIL/Orion Activity Check List
CIL/Orion Provides list of Retailers in the selected locations Provide approved packaging for shipping Receives flares shipped from retailers Pays for the shipping to be covered by programme funds Neutralizes outdated flares

17 Thanks for attending Any Questions
Thanks for attending Any Questions? National Volunteer Coordinator: Mike Smith National Staff Manager: John Gullick Financial contribution from:


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