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Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro 27 November 2013 Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro 27 November 2013 Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro 27 November 2013 Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Dunblane Hydro 27 November 2013

2 Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Alistair McKenzie Qualifications Development Manager Qualifications Update: Fashion and Textile Technology Alistair McKenzie Qualifications Development Manager

3 Developing qualifications - drivers Progression More open and flexible requirements Assessment which supports learning Refreshed and relevant contexts for learning Personalisation and Choice Robust and credible

4 Key points Higher Fashion and Textile Technology Skills based Units provide flexibility and choice Allows learners to engage with fashion, textiles and associated technologies in a proactive and practical way Builds skills, knowledge and understanding progressively up the levels Combines the best aspects of current Higher Grade Course Added Value is assessed by an assignment

5 Purpose and aims of the Course Purpose Develop knowledge understanding and skills related to the technological processes involved in the fashion/textile industry Aims Apply knowledge and understanding of technological processes and skills in the production of fashion/textile items Analyse and apply understanding of textile properties and characteristics Investigate issues which influence the fashion/textile industry Demonstrate a range of textile construction techniques Independently and safely select and use tools and equipment

6 Unit Structure National 3National 4National 5Higher Textile Technologies Fashion/Textile Item Development Fashion and Textile Choices

7 Conditions of the Award Unit Assessment Assessed on a pass/fail basis within Centres Verified by SQA to ensure that assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards Course Assessment Assignment - 100 marks Graded on a scale of A - D within Centres Assessed by a SQA visiting assessor to ensure that assessment judgements are consistent and meet national standards

8 Assessment Support Schedule 2013/14 Sept 13 CfE Update Letter Oct 13 Unit Assessment Support (Package 1) Feb 14 Unit Assessment Support (Package 2) Mar 14 Coursework General Assessment Information Apr 14 Unit Assessment Support (Package 3) May 14 Update Mandatory Documents Jun 14 Update Unit Assessment Support

9 Fashion and Textile Technology Unit Assessment at Higher

10 Unit assessment - recap Flexible and open Assessment Standards and Evidence Requirements in Units Greater range of techniques and methodologies for assessment – encouraged throughout all assessment packages Assessments can be designed to provide evidence across more than one outcome or Unit – combined assessments More opportunities to gather naturally occurring evidence – assessment as part of learning and teaching

11 Unit Assessment Support purpose As at National 5, Assessment Support will be provided which you can use to: Assess your candidates Adapt for your own assessment programmes Help you develop your own assessments

12 Unit Assessment Support at Higher – key features Valid from August 2014 Complements and supports learning and teaching Assess competence against Unit Outcomes and Assessment Standards Designed to encourage professional judgement Provide broad-based tasks – allow assessors to choose appropriate context and forms of evidence Show range of approaches to generating assessment evidence Give information on the type of evidence which could be gathered

13 Unit assessment support packages at Higher - approaches Package 1 Unit by Unit approach – discrete assessment tasks for each Unit Package 2 Portfolio approach – naturally occurring evidence Package 3 Combined approach – groups Outcomes and Assessment Standards from different Units

14 Assessment Support Package Example Unit by Unit approach Assessment is exemplified with: An overview of the Task (or tasks), which will generate evidence for all Outcomes and Assessment Standards conditions under which the assessment should take place advice on making assessment judgements evidence required recording documentation reassessment information appendix with details of the Candidate Task

15 Fashion and Textile Technology Higher Course Assessment

16 Course Assessment at Higher Course Assessment at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher assesses Added Value Courses at Higher are graded A – D, as at present Controlled Assessment of setting, conducting and marking For Fashion and Textile Technology, there is 1 Component– an assignment

17 Higher – Higher – Assignment 100 marks Briefs will be set by SQA Conducted under supervision in centres Visiting Assessment

18 Higher – Higher – Assignment 3 sections Design and Plan (45 marks) Make the fashion/textile item (40 marks) Evaluation (15 marks)

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