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Relating to Others p. 152-154.

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1 Relating to Others p

2 Relating Whenever you interact with someone else, you are relating.
Relating includes the way you communicate and behave when you are together. You might be friendly, you might be mean, or you might be competitive.

3 Relationships A relationship is a connection or association between two or more people. It describes the way you relate. You have personal relationships with people such as family and friends, but you also have relationships with others- stranger who bumps into you and apologizes or the mail carrier who delivers your mail.

4 Healthy Relationships
Developing a healthy relations with someone contributes to your well-being. It is satisfying and makes you feel good. When a relationship is unsatisfying, it can interfere with your well-being. Recognizing factors that contribute to healthy relationships can help you succeed in all areas of your life.

5 Relating to People at Work
You have relationships with your co-workers and your supervisor. As a team, you work together to achieve common goals. You may also have relationship with customers or clients. You work to provide them with goods or services that satisfy their needs. You may have relationship with other people in your work environment, such as a cleaning crew. Knowing how to get along and avoid or solve conflicts is an important part of career success. It’s important to start building these skills today.

6 Qualities of a Health Relationship
A relationship is healthy and functional if both parties give and receive what they need. A healthy personal relationship has these important characteristics: Respect Trust Honesty Responsibility Open Communication

7 Qualities of a Healthy Relationship
Relationships that are full of conflict or are not satisfying are unhealthy or dysfunctional- they are not working correctly. One way to tell if a relationship is unhealthy is that you are unhappy. You might not feel respect or trust for the other person or you might fight a lot.

8 A Two-Way Street All relationship are a two-way street. That means both people involved share the responsibility of keeping the relationship healthy. When you have a relationship with someone you exchange resources. That mean you and take. You might exchange respect and support with co-workers. You might give advice to customers in exchange for money. When the exchange is equal-you give as mush as you receive-both people are satisfied. When the exchange is unequal-you are either giving or receving more than the other person-it may lead to problems.

9 Case Study- Kali Kali babysits for her neighbor’s two children every Friday night. She arrives at 6:00 pm, gives the children dinner, cleans up, plays with them until bedtime, and then puts them to bed. She spends the rest of the time watching television and chatting with her friends. The parents come home at 10:00, pay Kali $25.00, and walk her home. Kali likes her neighbors and the kids, and enjoys babysitting. She is happy earning $25.00 a week.

10 Case Study- Kali, cont. On Friday when she arrives, her neighbors tell her that their niece and nephew are sleeping over. Kali prepares dinner for all four kids and cleans up after them all. They have a hard time deciding what to do before bed and argue a lot. It takes along time to get them all settled and asleep. Kali barely has time to do anything before the parents arrive home. They pay her $25.00, thank her, and walk her home. Kali feels used and resentful. She tells her neighbors that she cannot babysit anymore.

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