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The Voters Role in Government

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1 The Voters Role in Government
Class Lecture

2 Requirements for Voters
Requirements for voters in Georgia: 1. 18 years old 2. Citizen of the United States 3. Legal resident of Georgia and the county in which the registration takes place 4. Must have a current legal address

3 Management of Elections
Voting in national, state, and county elections is managed according to the Georgia Election Code. The Secretary of State is the chief election official. Role of the Secretary of State 1. Checks candidates’ qualifications 2. Schedules elections 3. Prints ballots 4. Provides all election materials to Georgia’s counties 5. Checks the results of elections 6. Publishes election results

4 Elections A general election is held in November, at least every even numbered year. Special elections are held as necessary to select public officials at all levels of government (national, state, county, city)

5 Major Issues in State Wide Elections
Changes to the State Constitution (*Amendments to the State Constitution requires the vote of the people in a state wide referendum) Bond Issues deal with government plans to raise money for public projects (*Examples: Schools, libraries, hospitals)

6 Voter Turnout No matter what the purpose of an election, low voter turnout is a matter of serious concern. Many people fear that democratic government will not last if so few people are concerned enough about the issues and candidates to vote. Some fear that government will be taken over by wealthy, well organized interests that have only their self interest at heart. Effective democratic government needs voters who are interested in the common good of all citizens of the nation, state, or community.

7 How Do Voters Influence Government?
Voters select the most important local, state, and national officials. These officials, in turn, appoint others who work for and with them. Therefore, a citizen can, by voting, influence all levels of government.

8 Three Principles of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Georgia Flag
Wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Justice – just behavior or treatment Moderation -the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or political opinions.

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