Formal Commands: Ud. & Uds.

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1 Formal Commands: Ud. & Uds.

2 Formal Commands For Affirmative Ud. Commands, use the 3rd person singular form of the present subjunctive (él/ella/Ud. Form) To make the commands Negative, simply add “No” before the command EX: Escriba Write. No ayude con el proyecto. Don’t help with the project.

3 Formal Commands For Affirmative Uds. Commands, use the 3rd person plural form of the present subjunctive (ellos/ellas/Uds. form) For Negative Uds. Commands, simply add “No” before the command. EX: Respondan, por favor. Please respond. No miren la película. Don’t watch the movie (all of you).

4 Formal Commands For affirmative Commands, object pronouns are attached to the end of the verb. For Negative Commands, object pronouns must be placed before the verb. EX: Escríbame pronto. Write to me soon. No me escriba en inglés. Don’t write to me in English. Pásenmelos. Pass them to me (all of you). No me los pasen. Don’t them to me (all of you).

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