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CONNECTED CHURCH World Relief Cambodia. CONNECTED CHURCH World Relief Cambodia.

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2 CONNECTED CHURCH World Relief Cambodia

3 HOPE RESTORED March 2016

4 A hospitable and gentle man, Pastor Lun Phean has always been well loved in his community in Tbong Khmom. Aged 51, he has spent his whole life caring for his family and church members as best he can. His story begins the same as many others here in rural Cambodia; struggling to feed his family, Lun tried for many years to grow food on the small piece of land next to his house. But a lack of education or gardening tools meant they failed time and again. The family survived on the bare minimum, going to bed hungry every night. Lack of money and the desperation of constant hunger put them at huge risk of traffickers who would lure them with the false promise of well paid jobs in Thailand. Meet Pastor Lun Phean

5 ‘He soon realised that if he could share what he had learnt
‘He soon realised that if he could share what he had learnt...he could change everything’ A few years ago World Relief began running gardening workshops in Lun’s village. Naturally he was keen to sign up. We give very basic training and materials, but in places like Tbong Khmom it can be life changing. Lun’s garden began to produce good crops, enough for him to have some left over. Most people sell surplus at the market, but Lun’s love for God and for his community led him to something different. He began to sell his produce to his neighbours who were still struggling to eat, for a discounted price. He soon realised that if he could share what he had learnt at World Relief’s classes with as many people in his community as possible, he could change everything.

6 Now he holds weekly vegetable sales and gardening workshops in his church. These are beautiful meetings where friendships are made and the love of God is shared with Christians and non-Christians alike. People are no longer risking their lives in Thailand, and hope has been restored. Proof that one person can indeed change their world! Hope has been restored

7 PRAYER Thank God for all the positivie stories coming out of our agricultural programme Pray for the world to act together against climate change


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