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Nyasa Village and Eagles, Malawi

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2 Nyasa Village and Eagles, Malawi
CONNECTED CHURCH Nyasa Village and Eagles, Malawi

3 Flooding Aftershocks June 2015

4 The flooding in Malawi in early 2015 is sadly still causing problems in Nyasa.
Malasani Jongesi and his wife grow cotton to sell. But this year much of the crop was washed away. Malasani and his cotton harvest

5 ‘Before the flooding I was producing 500 kilos of cotton a year, more than enough to feed my family and have some money left over.’ Malasani Jongesi, Nyasa Village

6 Malasani’s cotton yield is less than half of what it was.
He is hoping the government will distribute maize to him and those he knows who are in a similar situation. An example of a field affected by flooding

7 ‘If we do not receive any help, families in this community could starve.’
Malasani Jongesi

8 PRAYER Thank God that no one in Nyasa village died in the flooding
Thank God for what harvest there is, and ask that he would miraculously multiply it


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