Space test 1 outline.

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1 Space test 1 outline

2 Early chapter Know the following: stars, planets, moons, asteroids, meteoroids, meteor, meteorites, comets, galaxies. Know the structure and parts of the sun. Discharges of the sun: sun spots, solar prominences, solar flares. Interactions of earth and sun: both positive and negative. Solar system: inner and outer planets, minor planets, planet criteria.

3 Later chapter Math: scientific notation, AUs, light years.
Convert between AUs and km. Motions of the earth: precession, rotation, revolution. Tilt of earth: connection to seasons, equinoxes and solstices. Motions of the moon: orbit, phases. Moon interactions: eclipses, tides.

4 Final stuff Constellations: what are they, how many, significance over the years? Celestial sphere: what is it? Relevance? Retrograde motion. Types of satellites.

5 details Suggested textbook work #1-16, 18-20, 23-24
Thursday, April 19, 2018 Usual format Study and prepare well!

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