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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
a new way of thinking about the physical world, using reason, logic & theory testing, which led to modern science.(mid 1500s)

2 7-2.2 Explain how technological and scientific advances contributed to the power of European nations.

3 I. New Theories About the Universe - geocentric - view that earth is the center of the universe
A. Nicolaus Copernicus - earth was round - Heliocentric - Earth rotates on an axis & around sun. - published work before death B. Johannes Kepler - mathematical proof that the planets revolve around the sun AND… - in ellipses.

4 II. Challenging the Church
A. Galileo Galilei • confirmed Copernicus’ theory - discovered 4 moons of Jupiter • Pope Urban VIII tried him for heresy B. Galileo forced to recant statements - establish the universal laws of physics.

5 III. New Scientific Method
A. Francis Bacon - philosopher- helped develop the scientific method Scientific Method - method used to confirm findings & to prove or disprove a hypothesis

6 III. New Scientific Method
B. René Descartes - One of the fathers of modern philosophy - saw mathematics as a model for clear & certain knowledge - One unshakable truth, “I think therefore I am.”

7 IV. Newton’s Universe Isaac Newton • expanded the findings of Copernicus, Galileo, & Kepler. • theory of gravity; to prove this, he developed calculus. • Three laws of Motion

8 V. Chemistry Robert Boyle • father of chemistry • established chemistry as a pure science. • discovered that matter is made up of elements and cannot be broken down into simpler parts • Boyle’s Law

9 VI. Investigating the Human Body
A. Andreas Vesalius - - Dissected human bodies - made huge discoveries in anatomy. (founder of human anatomy) B. William Harvey • discovered that blood circulates throughout the body, pumped by the heart & returning through veins

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