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What are the three branches of Government?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the three branches of Government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the three branches of Government?
Why are these important?

2 The Three Branches Executive Legislative Judicial
The president and his cabinet Legislative Those who make the laws Judicial Those who make sure that laws are upheld Also determine if a law is unconstitutional

3 Executive Branch

4 Executive Continued

5 The Legislative branch (bottom flap)
Two parts: House of Representatives 25 years old Living in US for 7 consecutive years/US citizen Number of representatives varies by state; determined by population of state 2 year job Senate 30 years old Living in US for 9 consecutive years/US citizen 2 per state: total 100 Senators at all times 6 year job

6 Legislature Duties (bottom flap)
Create and vote laws into practice Senate house: tries all impeachments Have to all assemble once a year on 1st Monday in December To name and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States borrow Money

7 Legislative continued (bottom flap)
Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations coin Money and regulate the value provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization establish Post Offices and post Roads declare War raise and support Armies, provide and maintain a Navy, create rules for regulation of both

8 Judicial Branch Supreme Court 9 justices at all times
Appointed by President ONLY! Appointed for life! Can declare the Punishment of Treason Cases seen here are either cases against the United States Government, or they are cases that have been heard in a state’s Supreme Court

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