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Knowledge & Understanding of the world

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1 Knowledge & Understanding of the world
Mathematical world Use a protractor to measure and draw angles in degrees; recognise, use terms and classify angles as obtuse, acute and reflex; recognise that angles on a line total 180° and angles round a point total 360°; identify and name parts of a circle including diameter, radius and circumference; draw circles to a given radius using a pair of compasses; relate angles to turns, and recognise that a 360° angle is a complete turn; use angle facts to solve problems related to turn Read, write and order numbers with up to 6 digits and understand the place value of each digit; place 6-digit numbers on a number line and find numbers between; solve place-value additions and subtractions with 6-digit numbers; understand place value in decimal numbers as tenths and hundredths; multiply and divide by 10/100/1000 using a place-value grid; understand place value in decimal numbers to 2-decimal places; place decimal numbers on a line; round two-place decimal numbers to nearest tenth and whole number; say the number a tenth or a hundredth more Use rules of divisibility to find if numbers are divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10; identify prime numbers; revise finding factors of numbers; find squares and square roots of square numbers; finding patterns and making and testing rules; use mental multiplication and division strategies; relate mental division strategies to multiples of ten of the divisor Know properties of equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right-angled triangles; find that angles in a triangle have a total of 180°; sort triangles according to their properties; use scales to weigh amounts to the nearest half interval; convert from grams to kilograms and vice versa, from millilitres to litres and vice versa, and from metres to kilometres and vice versa; read scales to the nearest half division; understand that we measure distance in kilometres and miles; use ready reckoning to give approximate values of miles in kilometres and vice versa; draw line conversion graphs World of Technology ICT: This half term we will be presenters. We will be exploring how information can be conveyed through different forms of ICT media including: PowerPoint, publisher and excel. We will also be creating presentations based on our scientific work as well as the work in topic. These presentation will make use of green screen technology and be completed using our i-Pads. The World of Worlds English: Spelling – This half term we will be using a new spelling programme. We will look at silent letters as well as a range of different spelling rules. Punctuation – review and use of all punctuation . We will specifically concentrate on using colon and semi-colon. Reading and writing – Suspense writing, balanced argument, poetry. Handwriting – Review of letter formation and use of consistent, cursive writing – taught through handwriting lessons In Grammar sessions we will be focused on word class as well as how words can be in different classes. We will also be looking at the different parts of sentences. Knowledge & Understanding of the world Science: This half term we will be learning about space. This will include exploring our solar system, the stars and looking at our galaxy. We will understand the theories of how we came to be and how the objects in our solar system work to keep us in balance. Topic Our topic of The Mayan will run throughout the whole of the summer term. We will begin by exploring where and when the Mayans lived and what their culture was like. We will be looking at how they lived, the customs they held and what they gave to the local area. Children will complete the work through map skills, research and develop a clear empathy with the past. Creative World Art This half term we will be looking at the work of a variety of art based on the Mayan culture. We will explore cave paintings, images they created and sculptures which they produced. As part of art this half term we will be designing and making Mayan masks. This process will require children to provide resources from home. Details will be sent out shortly. These are the areas we have planned to cover in Year 5 this half term. If you wish to help your child with these subjects, please come into school to see us. Year 5 The Mayans The Physical World Outdoor PE: Year 5 will be learning how to play golf. This will involve learning the skills of club control, striking the ball. We will look at chipping and putting. We will learn about different shots and scoring. These sessions will be taught by an external provider. Our indoor PE will be swimming which will take place every Tuesday until the Whit Holiday. Our World SEAL (Ourselves): Understand what makes us who we are Understand why we are unique Understand our strengths and weaknesses.

2 Thorn Grove Primary School
Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Can you believe that we are into the final term of this year? First of all I hope that you all had a good Easter holiday and that you managed to spend some time together as a family. This half term is going to be busy. We are beginning our topic which is all about The Mayans– I know the children are excited. We are going to begin by looking at the geography of their region and completing research to understand when and where they lived. Then we will be moving on to comparing what their culture was like to what ours is like today. If anyone has any knowledge of the Mayans (Mexico) or has any resources (including photographs) which we may be able to use, please let me know as it would be lovely to see them. A few reminders: Reading is of huge importance! Children have a reading book (banded to their level) and they are also reading for pleasure through our Thorn Grove Passport Challenge. Please make sure that they are taking some time each night to enjoy the world of books. Any discussion you could have with them regarding their reading is much appreciated. Spellings will be handed out weekly and tested the following week on a Friday. Home work is still being set on a weekly basis. It will always consist of a maths, literacy and spellings (which are compulsory). In addition, there will be electronic work set on Mymath. Swimming is on a Tuesday – children need to be prepared for this each and every week. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at any time. I will see you all at parents evening. Thank you for your support. M. Godwin Year 5 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School

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