Big Data Forum April 18, 2013 Beth Oehlerts Digital Management Librarian Nancy Hunter Coordinator of Acquisitions and Metadata Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Big Data Forum April 18, 2013 Beth Oehlerts Digital Management Librarian Nancy Hunter Coordinator of Acquisitions and Metadata Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Big Data Forum April 18, 2013 Beth Oehlerts Digital Management Librarian Nancy Hunter Coordinator of Acquisitions and Metadata Services

2 Experience organizing, describing, preserving information Growing expertise in the area of data management, which we can bring to this conversation The CSU Institutional Repository (I.R.)

3 Faculty Librarians Graduate Students

4 Compliance with grant-funder mandates Copyright/Access rights information Data organization (data lifecycle planning, metadata, data access structures, etc.) Data storage (what, where, for how long?)


6 Open resource for published research results and data sets Discoverable Exposed to Google and other harvesters Accessible Professionally managed access Part of Digital Collections of Colorado, shared with 8 libraries Organized Metadata - structural organization Persistent Preservation

7 Access-controlled via login But – we are able to embargo And – we are able to limit to CSU IP range Able to hold structured data, e.g. web pages pointing to databases Able to accept self-deposit of publications and data sets


9 Store your publications together, preferably in the CSU I.R. Your publications should point to your referenced data sets Depending on the size, data sets associated with your publications should be stored with the publication in the CSU I.R. Small (up to 200 GB), and some Medium (200 GB to 10 TB) Large (>10 TB) should probably stay where generated or stored in a disciplinary data archive

10 Struggling with ???? Do you need help describing data for use by others? What skills would you like to develop? How may the Libraries help?

11 Collaborate - Identify potential partnerships Create campus-wide groups to work with data management needs Any other ideas?

12 NCAR Libraries (June-November 2012) Even experienced data managers are challenged by Data Citation / Attribution Granularity Formats Data Life Cycle Data Policies

13 CSU Libraries University of Minnesota California Digital Library Databib (list of international data repositories)


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