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The coalition for a fair and accurate 2020 Census.

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Presentation on theme: "The coalition for a fair and accurate 2020 Census."— Presentation transcript:

1 The coalition for a fair and accurate 2020 Census.
Let’s count all Pennsylvanians.

2 List of coalition partners
Asian Americans United Media Mobilizing Project Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development (PHENND) Black Church Center for Justice and Equality New Voices for Reproductive Justice One Pennsylvania CASA Planned Parenthood Association of PA PA Health Action Network Committee of Seventy Planned Parenthood Southeastern PA Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center Common Cause Pennsylvania POWER Pennsylvania Council of Churches Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania POWER Northeast Pennsylvania Humanities Council Disability Rights Pennsylvania Project HOME Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition Education Voters of PA Public Interest Law Center Emgage Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN) SEAMAAC Equality Pennsylvania SeniorLAW Center Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance Pittsburgh United United Neighborhood Centers of Northeast Pa. Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations Just Harvest Urban Affairs Coalition Keystone Progress Education Fund Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation VietLead Make The Road PA Women's Law Project

3 What's At Stake For Pennsylvania
Representation Resources Support

4 Funding Derived from Census Data Map

5 Who might be missed? Historically, some communities have been more likely to be missed in the count than others: People of color Kids, specifically under 5 Immigrants Low-income households Rural households

6 Priority Hard to Count Populations


8 For more information contact Erin Casey 267-981-1855 ecasey@pavoice
For more information contact Erin Casey

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