Welcome to FPS’s Open House

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to FPS’s Open House"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to FPS’s Open House

2 Technology in the classroom
Agenda Teachers I-ready lessons Small groups Science Fair Projects Teacher web pages Class Dojo Technology in the classroom

3 Teachers Ms. Abero: science and social studies
Mrs. Hastings: reading / language arts Mrs. Welch: mathematics

4 iReady We are asking that every student complete 45 minutes per week on ELA and Math i-Ready lessons at home. Use Saturday/Sunday mornings if possible since this is when students are most relaxed.

5 Small Groups Small groups are grouped based on ability levels determined by iReady and other assessment methods. The lessons and activities use differentiation to meet the needs of all the learners within a given group. The students are taught team building and collaboration.

6 Science Fair Projects All students are required to complete science fair projects this year. Due dates usually begin in February. Information will be posted on the science web site as the date approaches.

7 Teacher Webpages Great Resource for the parents and the students.
Teacher Contact Class schedule Syllabus Homework requirements Weekly news Supply list Project rubrics Etc. Freedom Park School Website

8 Class Dojo All of the teachers can be reached directly through Class Dojo. Information will be sent home next week on how to sign up.

9 Technology Freedom Park is a 1 to 1 technology school!
All 4th grade students will take a Digital Citizenship course and will later be issued a laptop. All the students in the 4th grade are required to have their own set/pair of headphones/earbuds. We do a lot of computer based learning, like i-Ready assessments, that require the students to have their own technology.

10 Thank you so much for attending Open House! Questions?

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