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1 Water

2 Unique Only natural substance found in all 3 states at Earth’s normal temperatures. What are the 3 states and where are they at?

3 Properties Freezes at 32° F Boils at 212° F
Ice is less dense than liquid water, so that’s why ice floats Pure water is neutral ph=7 Highly cohesive—very sticky

4 Properties cont’d High specific heat index—absorbs a lot of heat before it begins to get hot Helps to regulate the rate at which air changes temperature, why temperature change between seasons is gradual not sudden

5 Properties cont’d High surface tension—sticky and elastic and tends to clump together rather than spread out in a thin film Universal solvent—dissolves more substances than any other liquid

6 Water looks like what? Polar arrangement of oxygen and hydrogen atoms-one side (hydrogen) has a positive charge and the other side (oxygen) has a negative charge.

7 Why does salt dissolves in water?
Water and salt are both polar molecules, positive and negative charges on both sides of the molecule The sodium is a positive charge and the chloride is a negative charge


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