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3.9 How a Bill Becomes a Law.

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1 3.9 How a Bill Becomes a Law

2 Types of Bills Approximately how many bills are presented to Congress each session? Approximately 10,000 bills are presented to Congress in each session!

3 Types of Bills Bills fall into one of two categories:
Category 1 Category 2 Private bills These concern individual people or places. They usually deal with people’s claims against the government. Public bills These apply to the entire nation and involve general matters such as taxation, farm policy, or highway building.

4 Types of Bills What is a resolution?
Resolutions are formal statements expressing lawmakers’ opinions or decisions. Most do not have the power of law.

5 Types of Bills When does Congress use joint resolutions?
Congress uses joint resolutions (resolutions passed by both houses of Congress) to propose constitutional amendments and to set aside money for a special purpose. Joint resolutions become law if they are signed by the president.

6 How a bill becomes a law

7 pigeonhole it and let it die in committee
Start After a bill is introduced by a member of Congress, it is sent to a standing committee that handles the subject of the bill. These committees have “life and death” power over the bill. Kill the bill pigeonhole it and let it die in committee Every bill starts with an idea. Ideas come from private citizens, the president, or from special interest groups OR Bill approved by the committee are considered by the full House or Senate. During the debate, the members of Congress debate the pros and cons. They also discuss amendments to the bill. They can: Pass the bill Make changes to it and pass it along to the House and Senate Replace the original bill with a new one on the same subject. Sign it and the bill becomes a LAW. After the bill is debate, it is brought to a vote. If a majority of both houses pass the bill, the proposed law is sent to the president. Both houses must pass the bill in exactly the same form. Proposed law is presented to the President for consideration. OR Veto the bill or uses a Pocket Veto.

8 How a bill becomes a law How can Congress save a bill the president has vetoed? Congress can override a presidential veto with a 2/3 vote from each house.


10 EXTRA CREDIT! Research a bill that is currently in the u.s. house of representatives or u.s. senate. Go to for more information tell me: The Title who sponsored it where it’s at in the legislative process Summarize it

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