Notebook Check Complete the drawing Individual House over the next two days. The drawing is due at the end of the period Tuesday, May 1. Two Point House.

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Presentation on theme: "Notebook Check Complete the drawing Individual House over the next two days. The drawing is due at the end of the period Tuesday, May 1. Two Point House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notebook Check Complete the drawing Individual House over the next two days. The drawing is due at the end of the period Tuesday, May 1. Two Point House Group will be returned with the Visual Art 1 Individual Performance Assessment Rubric. All drawings are Eligible for Recovery.

2 Eligible for Recovery- Drawings are to be completed or corrected at home or students may come in to A113 during their lunch/free period. Students may use the resource (Visual Art I tab) for Power Points used in class to assist them in the Students may also use internet search engines to assist them in the drawing. When using search engines suggested keywords include: Two point perspective Two point perspective drawing Two point perspective Houses Two point perspective exercises

3 Select one of the two drawing completed in class over the last week and a half to add Finishing Touches To complete the drawing properly; Add attached structures to the main building such as room, porches, a garage, patios, etc. Add shutters and siding Add stairs, paths and/or sidewalks Add detail including tiles to the roof. Color and/or shade. Plants, trees and flowers to the garden.





8 Tuesday May 1, 2012 Individual House Drawings due. Wednesday May 2, 2012 Begin Finishing touches on one of your Houses in Perspective. Thursday May 3, 2012 End of Interim Period Friday May 4, 2012 Finishing touches due on selected two point perspective house Monday May 7, 2012 Recovery due for Two Point House (together) assignment Monday May 14, 2012 Interim Distribution Friday May 25, 2012 Final day to turn in all late work or make up work Friday June 8, 2012



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