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What Makes an Excellent Project Management Consultant?

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes an Excellent Project Management Consultant?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes an Excellent Project Management Consultant?
So our entire presentation revolves around this one question of what makes an excellent project management consultant? And to start us off, we have a short video talking about what makes a great project manager….

2 What is a project management consultant? (Kayla)
Why do companies hire management consultants? (Austin) “America’s Best Management Consulting Firms” (Trevor) Why you want to be a consultant… (Steph) Top Characteristics of a great PM Consultant (Bailey) Flexible, disciplined, confidence, persistent, sociable Case Study for characteristics…. (Bailey) Top Skills of a great PM consultant (Brian) Case Study for Skills…(Brian) Conclusion. (David) Also benefits of being a consultant? Salary, flexibility of job, independent… etc.

3 What is a Project Management Consultant?
Description Providing Advice for their Clients Responsibilities Balance time, money, and scope of the project Prioritize tasks Analyze Company’s practices Make Recommendations KAYLA So to us start off… What is a project management consultant? A consultant is someone who provides advice about a company's strategic and operational issues. In order to do this, consultants have to balance their time, money, and scope of the project by prioritizing tasks to ensure timely execution of the project from start to finish. Essentially, a consultant’s main responsibility is to provide an analysis of the existing practices of a company and then make appropriate recommendations for improvements for their company. Now I am going to pass it off to Austin who is going to talk about why companies hire consultants?

4 Why do Companies Hire Management Consultants?
To solve problems Can’t spare essential employees Looking for specialized skills For an unbiased outsider's opinion To make hard decisions AUSTIN

5 America’s Best Management Consulting Firms
To be considered for this list, companies had to fall into one of four categories. “Classic” Management Consultancy Firms IT Consultancies Advisory Branches of Auditing Firms Consulting Branches of Agencies Rankings were determined based on two online surveys The top Firms were Bain & Company, Deloitte Consulting, Mckinsey & Company, PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services and The Boston Consulting Group. TREVOR

6 Why be a PM Consultant? Average salary $75,051
Varies by location and company BAIN: Highest Paying Consulting Firm Undergrads = $104,000 with 4.5% contribution of base pay to 401k MBAs = $195,000 with $8,000 contribution to 401k Great for those… With an entrepreneurial mindset Look for a career with huge growth opportunities Who prefer a career that’s challenging, poses some risk and keeps you on your feet. STEPH

7 Characteristics Flexible Confident Persistent Studious Sociable
Adapt easily to new projects and work cultures Confident Leave egos at the door and be a good team player Persistent Never give up, even in difficult times/situations Studious Continue to learn Sociable Practice active listening and build trust Flexible: can jump into any situation and adapt easily. Also means getting along with new colleagues and fitting in to get the job done. Confident: know what their skills and weaknesses are and know how to use/work on them. Put company goals and team spirit first Persistent: Keep going, accept challenges, negative feedback, and learn from setbacks Studious: never stop learning new information that can help, it’s their job to being latest knowledge forward Sociable: listen first then speak, take in suggestions while also building trust in clients and fellow colleagues

8 Student Example: ITSS Organizational Review
Assessed ITSS strengths and weaknesses Had to remain: Flexible Confident Persistent Studious Sociable Created survey for employees to take in order to assess the organization's strengths and weaknesses. Flexible: Dealt with employee turnover in the middle of project and had to change some questions to adapt/ make them easier to understand Confident: Items we were addressing weren’t common terms, had to make sure we fully understood and could relay it to ITSS employees Persistent:w/o being annoying; Had to collect around 30 surveys, isn't easy when employees have no real incentive Studious: Constantly look up org structure of ITSS in order to tailor questions to their business Sociable: Listen to their concerns and make sure we address those in our report/survey

9 Skills of PM Consultants
Command authority naturally Possess quick shifting abilities, knowing what to note and what to ignore Set, observe, and re-evaluate project priorities frequently Ask good questions and listen to stakeholders Rely on extensive informal networks inside and outside the firm to solve problems that arise Ability to delegate tasks BRIAN Networking Sales Organization Leadership


11 Apply Skills Learned Through Time
Determine what’s important and what’s not What you should spend time on and what you shouldn’t Develop a relationship with the client beyond the product Ensure the team is as happy as possible BRIAN

12 Works Cited "8 Characteristics of Great Consultants. Do You Have What It Takes?"Consultancy Projects in Engineering Life Sciences IT Pauwels Consulting RSS2. Pauwels Consulting, 24 Mar Web. 26 Apr

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