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What is an Entrepreneur?

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Entrepreneur?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Entrepreneur?
Grade Level 1st – 2nd

2 Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes, do all sorts of things and make all sorts of products.

3 Just about anything you can see that people had a hand in making was done by an entrepreneur!

4 From airplanes to ice cream.

5 From a playground structure to a cowboy hat.
From a smartphone to a smartboard.

6 They all just started as an idea, that then became a plan, that then became a model, and a first try, second try, all the way to what you can see today!

7 How do entrepreneurs take an idea and turn it into something?

8 They take ACTION!

9 Over and over again they have ideas, and they make a plan to change that idea into reality.

10 Sometimes it is something that you can touch and feel.

11 Or sometimes it is something they can do better, or teach others how to do better.

12 Sometimes it is on the computer, sometimes it is a process or plan that others can use.

13 All of these things started as ideas.

14 All you need to be an entrepreneur is to have an idea.

15 Then you need to make a plan.

16 Then you need to put that plan into ACTION!

17 Share with someone an idea you have, and start making your plan to put it into action!

18 Copyright © 2016 by Arrowhead Center
Copyright © 2016 by Arrowhead Center. All rights reserved

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