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Bottlenose Dolphin BY. Madison Olson.

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1 Bottlenose Dolphin BY. Madison Olson

2 Description of a Bottlenose Dolphin
Scientific name of a Bottlenose Dolphin is cetacea. They are related to Gray whales, False Killer whales, and Killer whales.

3 Bottlenose Dolphins Physical Characteristics
The bottlenose dolphins are ft. Long and Their average weight is lb. Differences in size may be related to offshore ecotype and geographical locations. Offshore ecotypes, adapted for cooler waters, tend to be larger than inshore ecotypes. On average, full-grown males are slightly longer than females, and considerably heavier. A dolphin's skin is smooth and feels rubbery. The skin has no hair or sweat glands. A bottlenose dolphin's skin color is gray to dark gray on its back, fading to white on its lower jaw and belly.

4 More Physical Characteristics
The Bottlenose Dolphin have Pectoral Flippers, Dorsal Fins, and the lobe on the dolphins tale is called a Fluke. Bottlenose dolphins have 18 to 26 teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaws, a total of 72 to 104 teeth. And a Bottlenose dolphins teeth can not be replaced.

5 Bottlenose Dolphins geographically located
Bottlenose dolphins live in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. In dark blue on the map is where the Bottlenose dolphins live.

6 Population of Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphins are not endangered. The worldwide population of Bottlenose Dolphins is unknown.

7 Life cycle of the Bottlenose Dolphin
The gestation period is 12 months. Baby bottlenose dolphin are called calves . A bottlenose dolphin has calves every two years. Calves are born in the water. Deliveries are usually tail-first, but head-first deliveries are also seen. The umbilical cord snaps during delivery.

8 Life cycle of the Bottlenose Dolphin
Calves are approximately in. long and weigh about lb. Bottlenose Dolphin is very protective of her calves. A group of Bottlenose Dolphin are called colonies. Mother-calf bonds are long-lasting a calf typically stays with its mother three to six years. A Bottlenose Dolphin can live to 20 years or less. Bottlenose Dolphin do not mate for life.

9 Habitat and Diet of a Bottlenose Dolphin
Bottlenose Dolphin eat fish, squid, and shrimp. Adult bottlenose dolphins eat approximately 4% to 6% of their body weight in food per day. A nursing mother's daily intake is considerably higher: about 8%. Bottlenose dolphins live in a variety of habitats, from coastal waters to the open ocean. A bottlenose Dolphin predators are tiger sharks, dusky sharks, bull sharks, and a great white sharks.It is not uncommon to see sharks bites and scars.

10 Unique facts about Bottlenose Dolphin
The Bottlenose Dolphin produce sound above the water surface,And the bottlenose dolphin also makes sound when jumping, breach or when they strike the water surface with thier flippers and flukes. These sounds may function in commution. Bottlenose Dolphins sleep 33% of thier day. Bottlenose Dolphins are like other marine mammals, they have a slower heart rate while diving. The Bottlenose Dolphins have 6 senses and they are Brain, Hearing, Eyesight, Tactile, Taste and Smell. Bottlenose Dolphins do not chew with there teeth whille eating.

11 Worked cited page Google images

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