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Why does the mind get impure?

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Presentation on theme: "Why does the mind get impure?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why does the mind get impure?

2 How do the impurities seem to arise?
Usual experience : when we come in contact with anything unpleasant, what we dislike……anger, despair, ill will etc. arise When we come in contact with anything pleasant, which we like…..greed, desire to have more, jealousy etc. arise

3 How do the impurities seem to arise ?
Cognition Evaluation Reaction Mind agitated We consider this to be “normal” and “natural”

4 Consequences of this view
B M W Syndrome “Others” are the cause of all my problems and should change for “better” Is it within our control to change others ?

5 If this is the Reality is how to prevent suffering?
‘Quick fix’ solutions of various hues!

6 Consequences of this view
Various types of stress: PAIN – emotional, physical FEAR –anxiety,apprehensions GREED …………………………. Deterioration in RELATIONSHIPS SLEEP EFFICIENCY Poor self management Effect on Organization / Family / Health

7 Insight of how do the defilements actually arise ?
Cognition Evaluation Sensation/ feeling Reaction Attachment to body, mind + Mind impure

8 The Insight into the roots of suffering

9 Insight into elimination of suffering
Cognition Evaluation Sensation/ feeling Reaction Bare Observation + - Mind impure Mind purified Non-attachment to body, mind complex

10 The practice of Mindfulness
Awareness of sensations & ‘mind’ [without any reaction] Practice of Non-identification with body Practice of Non-identification with mind Ego & C A D Reduced Better self management

11 All Man’s difficulties are caused
by his inability to sit quietly in a room by himself B Pascal

12 Understanding suffering
जातिपि दुक्खा, जरापि दुक्खा, ब्याधिपि दुक्खो, मरणम्पि दुक्खं, अप्पियेहि सम्पयोगो दुक्खो, पियेहि विप्पयोगो दुक्खो, यम्पिच्छं न लभति तम्पि दुक्खं – संखित्तेन पञ्‍चुपादानक्खन्धा

13 Understanding suffering
संखित्तेन,पञ्‍चुपादानक्खन्धा दुक्खा। Five aggregates :रूपुपादानक्खन्धो, वेदनुपादानक्खन्धो, सञ्‍ञुपादानक्खन्धो, सङ्खारुपादानक्खन्धो, विञ्‍ञाणुपादानक्खन्धो। Fundamental cause of suffering ; attachment to these five aggregates ; regarding these as : “This is mine, This I am , This is my self”---

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