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Time Use Survey data processing and dissemination 17 July 2014

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1 Time Use Survey data processing and dissemination 17 July 2014
8. Metadata information V. Delhaxhe and B. Zdrentu Eurostat Unit B/5

2 LEGAL BASIS Commission Recommendation of 23 June 2009 on reference metadata for the European Statistical System (2009/498/EC). Regulation (EC) n°223/2009 of the European Parliament and Council of 11 March 2009 on European Statistics. Domain specific Commission regulations requiring detailed information for evaluating the quality of the data.

3 The Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)
Cross-domain concepts in the SDMX framework describe metadata concepts relevant to several statistical domains. SDMX recommends use of the concepts outlined below whenever feasible to promote re-usability and exchange of statistical information and their related metadata between national and international organizations. Whenever used, these concepts should conform to the specified names, roles, and representations defined in the SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines. CDC promote: reusability exchange of data and related metadata Dynamic asset: initial growth, then relative stabilisation expected continuos maintenance 3 3

4 The ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

5 ESMS and ESQRS – example of correspondence


7 European file in ESS MH

8 European and National files in ESS MH

9 Business process related to a national reference metadata file
National Statistical Institute EUROSTAT ESS Metadata Handler (ESS MH) ESS MH Database Eurostat Website EDAMIS National Metadata File National Metadata File National Metadata File PRODUCTION TREATMENT & ANALYSIS DISSEMINATION

10 The business process for using the ESS MH for national metadata
Mapping of the existing national reference metadata files to the ESMS and/or ESQRS formats; Conversion of existing national reference metadata files into standard structure; Insertion of these files into the ESS MH application; The NSI’s are asked to complete, enhance their converted files, directly in the ESS MH; The responsible Domain Managers in Eurostat are asked to validate these ESMS / ESQRS files; The national metadata are finally disseminated on Eurostat Web site (if decided so). Time line is approximately 6 months.

11 exchange of data and related metadata
VITIS (Vineyards) MIP STATISTICS GNI (Gross national Income) NOWCAST UNIDEMO SBS (Structural Business Statistics) Census HICP Inventory EHIS (Education, health and social protection) CROPROD (Annual crops) CVTS (Continuing survey) FOOD (from farm to fork survey) PRAG (Agri.Price Stat) ESAW (accidents at work) AES (Education, Science and Culture) LCI (Labor Cost Index) BUSINESS REGISTER FSS (Farm Structure Survey) R&D CIS 2012 HICP LFS-Q, LFS-A EU-SILC (Income & living cond) FATS (Foreign affiliates stats) STS (Short Term Statistics) Waste AEI (Pesticides) EDUCAT JVC (Job Vacancy Stats) PRODCOM (Prod. Of manufact COMEXT (3rd countries) COSAEA (Econ.Acc.for Agri.) URBANREG (Urban Audit stats) R&D TOURISM PERMANENT CROPS HPS (Housing prices) INFOSOC (Information Society) DEMOBAL (Demo.Balance data) UREESMS (Usually Resident Pop) Cross-domain concepts in the SDMX framework describe metadata concepts relevant to several statistical domains. SDMX recommends use of the concepts outlined below whenever feasible to promote re-usability and exchange of statistical information and their related metadata between national and international organizations. Whenever used, these concepts should conform to the specified names, roles, and representations defined in the SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines. CDC promote: reusability exchange of data and related metadata Dynamic asset: initial growth, then relative stabilisation expected continuos maintenance 11

12 ESS Standards for Metadata – Implementation
ESMS ESQRS R & D (2 flows) R & D (5 flows) CENSUS Pesticides (AEI) HICP Inventory Waste ESAW Tourism (2 flows) Tourism (2 flows) COSAEA COMEXT (Third countries) JVC HICP EDUCAT STS (25 flows) AES FOOD LFS-Q/LFS-A URBANREG EU-SILC PRODCOM CVTS SBS FATS INW + OUTW PRAG HPS R&D CIS 2012 DEMOBAL LCI UREESMS INFOSOC ENTR/INFOSOC HH PERMCROP CROPROD FSS 67 Workflows open in NRME 42 ESMS workflows, 25 ESQRS workflows.

13 Impact on the statistical business processes
ESMS and ESQRS are integrated into the ESS Metadata Handler for production, exchange and dissemination of reference metadata in the ESS, allowing: + More AUTOMATIC PRODUCTION of the reference metadata in the ESS. + Information collected ONLY ONCE and reused for different purposes (ESQRS -> ESMS; NSI->Eurostat; Eurostat-> IMF/OECD). + More harmonised and better availability of metadata on quality. + Full SDMX compliance (metadata creation, exchange and dissemination). + Cost and resources savings in the ESS The harmonisation work also considerably contributes to the improvement and integration of the statistical business processes as defined in the Commission Communication 404/2009.

In case of problems, a single functional mailbox: To access ESS Metadata Handler:

15 Trainings - Webinars EUROSTAT National Statistical Institutes
To register: Next ESS MH Webinars on 25/09/2014 and 03/12/2014

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