Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3

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1 Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3
Florid (adj.) flushed or rosy (as in a reddish complexion); showy or ornate (as in lavish decorations) The writing style of the precocious student was so florid that many people had difficulty understanding his story. Synonyms: Antonyms: 2. Rancor (noun): extreme dislike or ill-will Rancor filled every sentence spoken by the angry teammates and an altercation was inevitable.

2 Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3
Write the word, part of speech, definition, synonyms, and antonyms! 3. Venerable (adj.): respectable or respected because of age The theater’s venerable star spoke to the audience at the 75th anniversary celebration. Synonyms: Antonyms: 4. Prosaic (adj.): extremely dull or ordinary The guest lecturer’s style was prosaic compared to the bombastic style of our usual professor.

3 Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3
Write the word, part of speech, definition, synonyms, and antonyms! 5. Impetuous (adj): acting quickly or suddenly with little thought The impetuous investor sold off all his stocks when the market dropped slightly and lost millions of dollars. Synonyms: Antonyms: 6. Sagacious (adj.): very shrewd or clever Despite the cryptic clues in the treasure hunt, Michael’s team was sagacious enough to find the prize.

4 Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3
Write the word, part of speech, definition, synonyms, and antonyms! 7. Ephemeral (adj): not lasting; only for a moment Mother’s condescending tone was ephemeral as she quickly changed her attitude when she realized there had been a misunderstanding. Synonyms: Antonyms: 8. Diligent (adj.): hard-working; done with extreme attention to detail Harry is a diligent student who makes excellent grades, but he needs to work on the derisive tone he uses when speaking to those who are less assiduous.

5 Test Prep Vocabulary Unit 3
Write the word, part of speech, definition, synonyms, and antonyms! 9. Abstain (verb): to keep from or stop doing something The hedonist decided to change his opulent lifestyle and abstain from the party circuit. Synonyms: Antonyms: 10. Remuneration (noun): payment My benevolent piano teacher refused to take remuneration for the extra time she spent helping me prepare for the recital.

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