Report Tile United States Office of Personnel Management TRAINING & MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TMA Contractor Conference 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Report Tile United States Office of Personnel Management TRAINING & MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TMA Contractor Conference 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Tile United States Office of Personnel Management TRAINING & MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TMA Contractor Conference 2007

2 2 Agenda OPM and TMA Missions TMA Financial and Performance Accomplishments and Goals New Contract Provisions Expectations Customer Satisfaction Survey Results TMA Organizational and Operational Structures Staff Introductions

3 3 OPM and TMA Missions OPM Mission: To ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce. TMA Mission: To provide Government agencies with customized training, learning and human capital solutions that maximize individual, team and enterprise performance.

4 TMA Accomplishments and Goals

5 5 New Interagency Agreement Funding Since 1995

6 6 FY 2006 Accomplishments New IAA funding increased from $28M in FY02 to $150M in FY06 Revenue increased from $28M in FY02 to $109M in FY06 Human Capital business line grew to 48% of total project funding in FY06 – up from 5% in FY02 Deliverable Acceptance Rate maintained at 99% since FY02

7 7 FY 2007 Goals New IAA funding of $160M Revenue of $115M Equal volume of Training and Human Capital business (IAA funding) Deliverable Acceptance Rate of 99% On target to meet all goals

8 8 FY07 vs. FY06 Mid-Year Comparison New IAA funding was $52.6M through 4/07 vs. $37.6M through 4/06 Revenue was $66.8M through 4/07 vs. $61.8 through 4/06 Human Capital Business Line funding was 47% of total funding Deliverable Acceptance Rate was 99.9%

9 9 FY07 Mid-Year Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey Overall, how would you rate the quality of products or services you have received from the contractor? (N=18) Good:94% Fair: 6% How would you rate the value of services you have received from the contractor? (N=16) Good:94% Fair: 6% Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the services you received from the contractor? (N=16) Good:94% Fair: 6%

10 10 FY07 Mid-Year Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey (continued) Would you use the contractor's services again? (N=18) Yes:100% Would you recommend the contractors' services to other Government organizations? (N=18) Yes: 94% No: 6% Overall, how would you rate the quality of products or services you have received from CTS/TMA? (N=18) Good: 94% Fair: 6%

11 New Contract Provisions

12 12 New Contract Provisions Acquisition of new licenses or software for the development and implementation of customized training and human capital solutions; More efficient training implementation, enabling TMA to now provide customized training solutions of any kind; Enhancement of Training Program Management Office (PMO) support to specifically include activities such as course delivery, web-hosting, and production of copies of instructional materials, enabling an agency to turn to TMA for the management and conduct of its entire training/ learning program; and, Enhancement of Human Capital PMO support to include activities such as program analysis, stakeholder coordination, program status reporting, capital asset planning, and management presentations.

13 Expectations

14 14 What TMA Expects from You Proactive Engagement Market the TMA Vehicle Participate in Task Order Competitions (TOCs) Join the Mentoring Program Timely Notification of Problems Timely Submission of Invoices Effective Management of Subcontractors Compliance with Contract Requirements Ethical Behavior

15 15 What You Should Expect from TMA Access to TMA Staff Timely Responses to Requests Consistency of Service Problem Mitigation Prompt Payment of Invoices Compliance with Contract Requirements Sales Coaching and Mentoring Ethical Behavior

16 TMA Organizational and Operational Structures

17 17 TMA Organizational Structure Jenise Setian Chief Project Management Bud Deming Team Leader Project Managers Business Development Jim Smith Project Management Tina Stephens Team Leader Project Managers Operations Team Linda Williams Team Leader

18 18 TMA Operational Structure Jenise Setian Chief Profit Centers Bud Deming Team Leader Center for Human Resources Account Managers Center for National Security Account Managers Center for Natural Resources Account Managers Profit Centers Tina Stephens Team Leader Center for General Government Account Managers Center for General Govt (DHS) Account Managers Center for Small Agencies Account Managers Operations Team Linda Williams Team Leader Business Development Jim Smith

19 TMA Staff Introductions

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