Regular Expression Manipulation FSM Model

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1 Regular Expression Manipulation FSM Model
Sequential Machine Theory Prof. K. J. Hintz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Lecture 6 Modifications by Marek Perkowski

2 Null Machine 3 Methods for Proving That a Machine Accepts No Words
By inspection Any path from the start state to a final state means that at least one word is accepted by the machine By state diagram manipulation If a final state is relabeled as a start state, then the machine must accept at least one word

3 Null Machine By converting the regular expression into a deterministic FA If possible, FA must accept at least one word Conversion to FA may not be possible Machine may have no final states. There is no path from the initial state to any final state.

4 State Diagram Manipulation
A procedure to determine if a machine accepts no strings Remove all edges (arrows) to the start state. From the start state, identify all single-step “next states.” Relabel these “next states” as start states and eliminate the edges used to get there. go to (b) If a final state is relabeled as a start state, then the machine must accept at least one word.

5 State Diagram Manipulation

6 State Diagram Manipulation

7 State Diagram Manipulation
Does Not Accept Any Word Since There Is No Path From - To +.

8 The Complement Machine
A Complement Machine Accepts All Expressions Other Than Those Accepted by the Original Machine Method Change all non-final states into final states Change all final states into non-final states Leave start state unchanged

9 Language Decidability
Methods for Determining If Two Regular Expressions Define the Same Language Language Enumeration with 1:1 correspondence between the 2 languages. The regular languages can be accepted by identical FAs. Generate

10 Language Overlap If the Overlap Language Is NOT the Null Set, Then There Is Some Word in L1 Which Is Not Accepted by L2 and Vice Versa. If the Overlap Language Accepts the Null String, Then the Languages Are Not Equal.

11 DeMorgan’s Theorem Applies Equally Well to Sets As Well As Boolean Algebra

12 Regular Expression Equivalence
Methodology Construct the complement machines Apply DeMorgan’s theorem since it is difficult to form the intersect machine

13 Regular Expression Equivalence
Take the Unions of the Complemented and Non-complemented Several Times to Determine Whether Loverlap Is the Null Set or Not

14 RE Equivalence Example*
Two REs are represented by their equivalent FAs (FA1 does = FA2) *Cohen, Prob. 2, page 233.

15 RE Equivalence Example
Form the Complement Machines

16 RE Equivalence Example
Make the Product Machine of FA2 and the Complement of FA1.

17 RE Equivalence Example
States of Product Machine, FA1-bar & FA2 Only One Start State / Multiple Final States

18 RE Equivalence Example

19 Product Machine State Table

20 State Diagram of Product
FA1-Bar, FA2

21 Reduced State Diagram Non-Reachable States Removed

22 RE Equivalence Example
Take the Complement Of the Union by changing final states to non-final and vice-versa No Final States, So Complement FA Accepts No Words

23 RE Equivalence Example
Do the Same for the Right Term of Loverlap

24 RE Equivalence Example
Application of Same Procedure to Preceding Machine Also Results in No Recognizable Words. Since Both Terms of Loverlap are Null, Then REs Are Equivalent Since Their Union Is Null.

25 Moore & Mealy Machines The Behavior of Sequential Machines Depends on Previous Inputs. Moore Machine Output only depends on present state Mealy Machine Output depends on both the present state and the present input

26 Moore & Mealy Machines Equivalent Descriptive Methods
Transition (state) table Transition (state) diagram Operational descriptions using set theory (Language recognized by the machine)

27 Moore Machine Input Comb Ckt Present State Output Comb Ckt Memory
Output Is Only a Function of Present State

28 Primitive State Diagram, Moore
Legend state/ output input A/0 C/0 D/0 B/1 etc. off on

29 Moore Machine State Diagram
Legend s1s0/z x1x0 00/1 10/1 11/1 01/0 etc. 00 10 01

30 Mealy Machine Input Comb Ckt Present State Output Comb Ckt Memory
Output Is Function of Present State AND Present Input

31 Primitive State Diagram, Mealy
Legend state input/output A C D B etc. off/1 on/0 off /0

32 Mealy Machine State Diagram
Legend s1s0 x1x0 /z 00 10 11 01 etc. 00 /1 10 /0 01 /1

33 Transition Table

34 FSM Design Approaches “One-Hot” Binary Coded State
One flip-flop is used to represent each state Costly in terms of discrete hardware, but trivial to design Efficient in FPGAs because FF part of each CLB Binary Coded State n flip-flops used to store 2n states Most efficient Need to account for unused states

35 FSM and Clocks Synchronous FSMs may change state only when a unique input, the clock, occurs Asynchronous FSMs may change state when input changes Next state depends on present input and present state for both Moore and Mealy

36 Synchronous versus Asynchronous Machines in Design
Synchronous FSMs Easier to design, turn the crank Slower operation Asynchronous Harder to design because of potential for races, iterative solutions Faster operation

37 Mealy “0101” Detector M = ( S, I, O, d, b ) S: { A, B, C, D }
O: { 0, 1 } = { not detected, detected} d: next slide b: next slide

38 Mealy Transition/Output Table
Next State/Output

39 “0101“ State Diagram ‘1’/0 ‘0’/0 A D C B ‘0’/0 ‘1’/0 ‘0’/0 ‘1’/0 ‘1’/1

40 Moore “0101” Detector M = ( S, I, O, d, l ) S: { A, B, C, D, E }
O: { 0, 1 } = { not detected, detected} d: next slide l: next slide

41 Moore Transition/Output Table
Next State

42 Moore “0101“ State Diagram ‘0’ ‘1’ ‘0’ detected ‘0’ A/0 B/0 ‘0’ ‘1’

43 Asynchronous FSM Fundamental Mode Assumption
Only one input can change at a time Analysis too complicated if multiple inputs are allowed to change simultaneously Circuit must be allowed to settle to its final value before an input is allowed to change Behavior is unpredictable (nondeterministic) if circuit not allowed to settle

44 Asynch. Design Difficulties
Delay in Feedback Path Not reproducible from implementation to implementation Variable may be temperature or electrical parameter dependent within the same device Analog not known exactly

45 Stable State PS = present state NS = next state PS = NS = Stability
Machine may pass through none or more intermediate states on the way to a stable state Desired behavior since only time delay separates PS from NS Oscillation Machine never stabilizes in a single state

46 Races A Race Occurs in a Transition From One State to the Next When More Than One Next State Variables Changes in Response to a Change in an Input Slight Environment Differences Can Cause Different State Transitions to Occur Supply voltage Temperature, etc.

47 Races 01 10 11 00 PS desired NS if Y1 changes first

48 Types of Races Non-Critical Critical
Machine stabilizes in desired state, but may transition through other states on the way Critical Machine does not stabilize in the desired state

49 Races PS 01 10 11 00 if Y2 changes first if Y1 changes first
critical race 00 desired NS non- critical race

50 Asynchronous FSM Benefits
Fastest FSM Economical No need for clock generator Output Changes When Signals Change, Not When Clock Occurs Data Can Be Passed Between Two Circuits Which Are Not Synchronized In some technologies, like quantum, clock is just not possible to exist

51 Asynchronous FSM Example
input next state present state y1 y2

52 Next State Variables

53 Sequential Machines Problems
Three Problems of Sequential Machines State minimization problem Determine all equivalent states of a sequential machine, and, Eliminate redundant states Machine Decomposition Separate large machines into an interconnected set of smaller machines Easier to design and analyze small machines

54 Sequential Machine Problems
State assignment problem There is no guidance on which binary number to assign to which state in a primitive state table Complexity of implementation is dependent on mapping of states to binary numbers Unsolved problem Design all machines and compare Benefit of decomposition of large machine into smaller machines.

55 Set Theoretic Description
Moore Machine is an ordered quintuple

56 Set Theoretic Description
Mealy Machine is an ordered quintuple

57 Recursive Definitions of Delta
State Transition for Moore & Mealy Single-valued, else not deterministic. At least a partial function Not necessarily injective or surjective Shield’s nomenclature

58 Recursive Definitions of Delta

59 Recursive Definitions of Beta
Causal, No Output for No Input. For a Given Input Sequence, There Will Be a Deterministic Output Sequence of the Same Length As the Input.

60 Recursive Definitions of Lambda
Same Caveats As Beta sk sk-1

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