PARENT ORIENTATION Welcome to 4th Grade!.

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Presentation on theme: "PARENT ORIENTATION Welcome to 4th Grade!."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARENT ORIENTATION Welcome to 4th Grade!

2 Communication Communication from home: Conferences Communication Card
Fourth Grade Binder (Tuesday folders) Twitter @RaeInKaty #RaeInKaty #Rae4thRocks Communication from home: Please send notes for change of transportation, absences, and label lunch money- include grade level and homeroom teacher’s name Conferences Your child’s homeroom teacher will contact you with the times they have available for conferences.

3 Positive Reinforcement
Your child has a Stamp Card on which they receive stamps to reinforce their positive behaviors. Super StingRaes SWAG yard signs

4 Grades ZAP Lab Major 90% Other 10%
assigned Tuesday and Thursday after school, 3:45- 4:30 pm Homework PowerPoint will be sent home every Monday morning Homework will not actually come home until the day assigned

5 Writing Develop a love of Writing with the use of the Writer’s Notebook Mini-lessons taught will be kept in the Writer’s Notebook. Binders will be used for the use of the writing process and publishing

6 Social Studies Basic Maps and geography skills
Develop an appreciation for Texas through the study of Texas history The influence of the United States on Texas history and growth

7 Reading Instill the love of reading.
Deepening comprehension through the use of reading strategies. Reading is logged at school. Students are expected to read at home. Reading is taught through the reading workshop format.

8 Word Study Students will be given an assessment 5 weeks. The assessment will be aligned with the word study instruction. The assessments are a major grade but will only count as a 1X grade.

9 Science Hands-On Science
Focus on earth, life, and physical science and how it follows a cyclical pattern. Specific units are: Matter and Energy Force, Motion, and Energy Body Systems Organisms and the Environment Earth’s Changes and Resources Earth’s Cycles and Patterns

10 Math Conceptual Understanding Problem Solving-Higher Level
Flexible Thinking Efficient Strategies Students as Thinkers Real World Connections Small Group Instruction Math Journals FASTT Math

11 Canvas Students will be given log-ins
They will use the same log-in for MyKatyCloud and Canvas Your child can access Canvas through MyKatyCloud or at Great for dates and resources Parent portal will open soon, you will then use your HAC log- in Canvas

12 Thank you for your time and we look forward to a wonderful year.

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