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Genes and Heredity.

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Presentation on theme: "Genes and Heredity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genes and Heredity

2 Mrs. Blue Monster & Mr. Yellow Monster fall in love!

3 They have 4 healthy monster babies
They have 4 healthy monster babies. Predict: Of their 4 monster babies, how many are yellow? Blue? Green? Other??

4 4 Blue Monster Babies

5 Gregor Mendel The Father of Genetics
Noticed inheritance traits were passed done from generation to generation Worked with peas.

6 1st Experiment 2nd Experiment Law of Dominance

7 Gene: Sequence of DNA that codes for a particular trait Allele: Alternative forms of a gene * Humans are diploid therefore we have ___ copies of each gene, and thus ___ alleles. Dominant Alleles: Determine the expression of a trait (upper case letter) Recessive Alleles: Are overruled by the dominant allele (lower case letter)

8 Punnett Squares

9 Genotype: The alleles an organism contains
Genotype: The alleles an organism contains. Phenotype: The observable traits that arise because of the interaction between genes & environment. Homozygous: Genotype in which both alleles are the same. Heterozygous: Genotype in which both alleles are different.

10 Mendel’s Law of Segregation Alleles separate during meiosis
Mendel’s Law of Segregation Alleles separate during meiosis. A gamete will receive one allele or the other, but not both.

11 Mendel’s 2nd Law: Law of Independent Assortment Alleles of different genes assort independently of one another during meiosis.


13 Mendel Song
Mendel Worksheet Read p p. 135 #1-6

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