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What is the American Dream?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the American Dream?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the American Dream?

2 American Flag & Statue of Liberty

3 Plowing in the Fields

4 The Perfect Home

5 Family Time

6 Family Feast

7 Husband and Wife

8 Women At Work

9 Rosie the Riveter

10 Civil Rights

11 American Soldiers

12 Money

13 The American Dream: A Perspective
“We hold these truths to be self-evident--that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Thomas Jefferson

14 The American Dream: A Perspective
The American Dream can be expressed as a national sentiment that a democratic society inherently leads to prosperity. This sentiment bonds Americans in a common experience but can also give rise to excessive expectations.

15 The Promise of the American Dream
Historical perspective Symbol of the opportunities inherent in a democracy Immigration and the American Dream Diversity as a major strength in our society The American Dream as a motivating force that attracts immigrants The belief that hard work, ingenuity, and perseverance can take you anywhere!

16 The CHANGING American Dream

17 The CHANGING American Dream
America is a new Eden, a “promised land” of beauty, unlimited resources, and endless opportunities. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson Is this still true?

18 The CHANGING American Dream
The independent, self-reliant individual will triumph. Everything is possible for the person who places trust in his or her own powers and potential. Again, is this still true?

19 The CHANGING American Dream
The American birthright is one of ever-expanding opportunity. Progress is a good thing, and we can optimistically expect life to keep getting better and better.

20 The CHANGING American Dream
Historically, the American Dream has not helped most minorities improve their financial security. Rather, it has allowed those in power and wealth positions to sustain their advantage

21 The Pitfalls of the American Dream
Brainstorm the positive and negative impacts of the American Dream: POSITIVE NEGATIVE


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