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The Rational Appeal Sydney Czurak Mariah Felt.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rational Appeal Sydney Czurak Mariah Felt."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rational Appeal Sydney Czurak Mariah Felt

2 Rational Opinions are always:
Presented with good reason and appropriate evidence. Have common principles on your thoughts and the evidence previously stated.

3 Categories/Devices used:
Logos: appeals to reason; using inductive and deductive reasoning, supported by evidence. Pathos: appeals to an audience's emotions. Ethos: appeals based on the character, credibility, or reliability of the speaker or writer.

4 What is evidence? Evidence can be… Truths Authority opinions
Statistics Personal experience Strongest arguments usually combine several of these aspects.

5 Establishing Truths You must use: Historical facts Scientific facts
Geographical facts They provide strong back up for your argument propositions

6 (experts in a specific field)
Authority Opinions (experts in a specific field) Because authority opinions differ, the audience may not accept them as “authority figures”.

7 Statistics How much? How many? How often?
When using statistics be sure to have: Large samples Over long periods of time Recent data Reliable sources WARNING: Because statistics are misused people often dismiss them.

8 Personal Experience Deliver opinions more forcefully
If you live through experiences it is easier to argue than a researchable topic. WARNING: Although it can reinforce your essay it should not be the main focal point.

9 Induction Takes several pieces of evidence and combines them into a general observation. To prove something by induction we must check EVERY piece of evidence which is not practical. Induction has great value for human affairs. When organizing inductive arguments you utilize: Direct/ Indirect questions Or simply state the position Providing supporting evidence in the body

10 Deduction Deduction is the opposite of induction. Observations  Evidence. Starting with an observation that most believe to be true then you show how certain conclusions follow from that observation. Ways of organizing a deductive argument are to: Begin with a question Synopsis of the argument The body of the paper contains the implications of your assumption

11 Emotional Appeal Used to win the hearts of the reader
Emotional appeal is used to gain support for the argument Adding emotion to an argument can make it more personable to the reader, the reader will feel more involved.

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