Infrastructures and the Spanish Road Safety Plan for PWT National Road Safety Observatory General Traffic Directorate (DGT) Madrid, June 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Infrastructures and the Spanish Road Safety Plan for PWT National Road Safety Observatory General Traffic Directorate (DGT) Madrid, June 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrastructures and the Spanish Road Safety Plan for PWT National Road Safety Observatory General Traffic Directorate (DGT) Madrid, June 2010

2 La Dirección General de Tráfico 10.300 officers5.500 professionals Corporate Services Regional Offices (50) Traffic Management Centres (7) CTDA (automated processing of tickets and fines) Traffic Police (Guardia Civil) General Secretariat SDG Traffic Management and Mobility SDG Education and Training SDG Legal Affairs IT services National Road Safety Observatory 18 helicopters 3.500 DGT motorcycles 18.000 DGT vehicles 1 million new driving licenses 1.500 Surveillance cameras 8.000 Km of fiber optic 1.500 road information displays 100.000 accidents 26 million drivers in Spain 30 million vehicles in Spain 3 million procedures per year

3 Produced by a DGT-led working group of 12 stakeholders. Not every working group member agreed with all the countermeasures proposed by the plan: consensus does not mean full-agreement! In January 2008, the Road Safety Plan began implementation. Comprised 36 measures, 9 of which were infrastructure-related. Measures are not actions, but areas of intervention to be "filled-in" with specific actions. The Spanish PTW Road Safety Plan

4 Infrastructure-related measures Traffic segregation Intersections Adherence Maintenance Audits Black Spots Research Guardrail protection Vertical Signs

5 5 Key aspects: Scope: every road accident occurred in Spain in 2007 with at least one motorcyclist dead. On the basis of traffic police reports. Undertaken by three independent research centres. Good visibility, good weather and good road maintenance. Almost all the accidents in secondary and bendy roads. Two typical patterns: -fall down first and going out of the road later. No other vehicle involved. -direct going out of the road. No other vehicle involved. 37% of accidents there was a crash with a third vehicle, with o without previous fall. In these cases, guardrails do not affect the accident consequences. Objectives: Improve knowledge about PTW accidents to guide road safety policies Research Study on PTW road accidents (1/2)

6 6 Key aspects: The percentage of death bikers showing as the most-severe impact the impact with an unprotected guardrail is as follows: -18% of total death bikers. - 52% of bikers involved in accidents with a fall down followed by a "going out of the road" 35% of the dead bikers show as the most severe impact the impact against infrastructure elements located outside the road: signs, walls, trees etc.. Guardrail protection systems would effectively contribute to: -reduce the severyity of bikers directly impacting with a guardrail and -avoid bikers impacting against elements located outside of the road. Objectives: Improve knowledge about PTW accidents to guide road safety policies Research Study on PTW road accidents (2/2)

7 7 Key aspects: Specific regulation issued by Spanish Central Administration for adapting guardrails in place since 2004. Three complimentary actions: -Ministry of public works: has already protected 1.600 Km and plans to additionally protect 1.600 Km. -DGT: 30 mill budget to co-finance the protection of guardrails in secondary roads. This initiative has been discontinued in 2010 due to budgetary restrictions. -Regional Governments also active in their own networks. Objectives: Minimize the severity of bikers' injuries. Guardrails protection Protecting guardrails with special security systems is not a panacea but it does save lives

8 8 Key aspects: 2009-2013. Scope: road safety + PTW promotion. PTW represent 10% of total city traffic. 20.000 accidents per year, 5.000 of which involve PTWs. 2 out of 8 areas of intervention of the Plan devoted to infrastructure: design of infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance. Objectives: Reduce by 25%, the total number of killed and severely injured. Reduce by 30% the number of intersections and blacksport for PTW. City PTW Strategic Plans and Infrastructure The example of Madrid

9 9 Infrastructure-related actions: Avanza Moto: implemented in 9 settings. Lanes Bus-Taxi-Motorcycle: 40 Km. City traffic law adapted to ensure PTW-compliance. Two guardrail protection systems under testing. 2.000 out of 8.000 pedestrian crossings already "dotted". Special plan to upgrade pavament. City PTW Strategic Plans and Infrastructure The example of Madrid

10 10 Key aspects: Pilot project in three spots included: -two four-hour observations in each of the 3 spots in order to detect 9 in-advance identified risk scenarios. -Study of the accident record in each of the spot in order to compare "before" and "after". The assessment report recommended the massive roll out of the measure according to a set of criteria. Objectives: Reduce PTW-Car accidents by making available an exlcusive area for PTW at light-regulated crossings Segregation Advanced Stop Lines in Barcelona

11 11 Key aspects: Deployment criteria: -crossings with lights - high PTW traffic density -crossings likely to suffer congestion -lanes wide enough to allow PTW to safely reach the advanced stop line -simple signing of the area (minimise painting) -install a new sign to avoid pedestrians using the area!! Segregation Advanced Stop Lines in Barcelona

12 12 Key aspects: Spain: over 100 different administrations with competencies on infrastructure: 15% of road network central administration, 43% regional and 42% local. Voluntary training. Includes distance-learning component. Delivered by Asociación Mutua Motera. Contents elaborated in cooperation with University of Zaragoza and Engineering Institute. Best practice to be promoted. Objectives: Minimize the severity of bikers' injuries. Maintenance Training on guardrails installation and maintenance

13 13 Observatorio Nacional de Seguridad Vial

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