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Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordly Wise 3 Lesson 7

2 brawl

3 noun a rough, noisy fight verb to fight noisily

4 casual

5 adj. 1. not planned 2. not regular; occasional 3
adj. 1. not planned 2. not regular; occasional 3. suitable for everything use; comfortable

6 constant

7 Adj. 1. not changing 2. loyal; faithful 3. Without pause; unending

8 excel

9 verb 1. to do well; to do better or greater than others

10 exhaust

11 verb 1. to use up 2. to tire out noun The waste gases from an engine

12 hardy

13 adj able to survive under bad conditions; tough

14 mediocre

15 adj of low to medium quality; barely passable

16 monotonous

17 Adj always the same; not varying; boring

18 originate

19 Verb to bring or come into being

20 punctuate

21 . ? ! , verb 1. to add marks such as commas and periods to writing t make the meaning clear 2. To interrupt from time to time

22 ravenous

23 adjective Very hungry Eager for whatever satisfies ones needs or wants

24 realistic

25 adj. 1. Closely resembling real life 2. Aware of things as they are; practical

26 soothe

27 verb To make calm and relaxed To relieve soreness; to make less painful

28 stampede

29 noun a sudden rush of animals or people, usually caused by fear. Verb To take part in a stampede

30 veteran

31 noun 1. A person who has served in the armed forces 2. A person with much experience Adj experienced

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