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Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to…

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1 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson you will be able to… Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

2 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A* On the board is a speech made by Churchill. Task: What is the source referring to? What does it suggest about Churchill’s feeling towards Germany? When do you think the speech was made and where do you think it was spoken? If a number of states were assembled round Great Britain and France in a solemn treaty for mutual alliance against aggression: if they had their forces marshalled in what you might call a Grand Alliance; if they had their military arrangements concerted… then I say you might arrest this approaching war. Churchill speaks of joint action to prevent German aggression in the House of Commons on 14 March 1938.

3 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A* Over the next few lessons we are going to be looking at Churchill’s views of rearmament, appeasement and his views towards Germany. To understand why Churchill had these views however, it is important to understand the history behind those events. Task: Complete a clear set of revision notes on the following using the sheets provided; The League of Nations The Abyssinian Crisis ( ) German rearmament Remilitarisation of the Rhineland (1936) Anschluss with Austria (1938) The Spanish Civil War ( ) Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) (We will cover the Munich Agreement and appeasement next lesson)

4 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

5 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

6 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

7 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

8 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

9 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

10 LO: What were the key events in 1930’s Europe and how were they dealt with?
Describe the key events of 1930’s Europe. E-D Explain how the key events were dealt with. C-B Assess why some key European events shaped British policy. A-A*

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