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Critical Thinking To inquire and reflect in order to arrive at the best possible judgment or decision.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking To inquire and reflect in order to arrive at the best possible judgment or decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking To inquire and reflect in order to arrive at the best possible judgment or decision.

2 What is involved? Gather evidence Examine options Look at pros & cons Check for bias

3 When reading or listening to an argument, size up the quantity and quality of its supporting evidence.

4 Questions to ask yourself….
How much evidence does the writer present? Does the amount of support seem substantial enough for the claims being made, or does the writer rely on just one or two examples.

5 Ask…. Where does the evidence come from?
Is it recent, or is it so old that it may no longer be accurate? (Dates matter!) Does it seem trustworthy? Are sources provided and do they have credibility?

6 Finally ponder…. Is the evidence fairly and fully presented?
Do you suspect that the writer has manipulated information in order to make his or her case look better?

7 WARNING! Guard yourself against the tendency to gravitate toward arguments that confirm your own beliefs and to avoid those that don’t.

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