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Lesson 1.5: Relationship With Time

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1 Lesson 1.5: Relationship With Time
Cultural Dimensions Lesson 1.5: Relationship With Time

2 Essential Question How do cultures differ in relation to the way they conceive of and manage time?

3 Activation Consider the way different teachers react to students who are late to class. Jot down a few things you have observered about the way in which the teacher and late student interact with each other.

4 Cultures differ in the way they conceive of and manage time
Cultures differ in the way they conceive of and manage time. The way in which they conceive of time also makes a difference as to how they manage their interactions with others.

5 Cultural Characteristics and Behaviors Related to Time
Look inside your envelopes. You will find words that have been cut out. With your partner, group these words together as you see fit. What did you notice about your groupings?

6 Monochronic v. Polychronic
Monochronic: Time is the given and people are the variable. The needs of the people are adjusted to suit the demands of time-schedules, deadlines, etc. Time is quantifiable, and a limited amount of it is available. People do one thing at a time and finish it before starting something else, regardless of circumstances.

7 Polychronic: Time is the servant and tool of the people
Polychronic: Time is the servant and tool of the people. Time is adjusted to suit the needs of people. More time is always available, and you are never too busy. People often have to do several things simultaneously, as required by circumstances. It’s not necessary to finish one thing before starting another, nor to finish your business with one person before starting in with another.

8 People from different countries do not fit neatly in to these two categories. There will be a mixture in all cultures, but it explains the way in which a culture tends to lean.

9 Photograph Activity In your pairs, draw a few pictures which represent BOTH categories of monochronic and polychromic behavior. Stick figures are acceptable 

10 Research Activity Examine one country in your pairs from a particular group and try to determine where the country would fall on the Monochronic/Polychronic Time continuum. For example, the U.S. tends to be a more _____________ nation.

11 Arabic Spanish Chinese Egypt (pg. 148-158) Kuwait (pg. 288-298)
Saudi Arabia (pg ) Spanish Colombia (pg ) Mexico (pg ) Spain (pg ) Chinese China (pg ) Hong Kong (pg ) Taiwan (pg )

12 Journal Imagine a journey to a polychromic country. What are some adjustments you might need to make in order to feel comfortable and to treat people there with respect?

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