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Real World PM Interactive Exercise

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1 Real World PM Interactive Exercise
PMI “Best Practices”

2 Ground Rules Each table will discuss the same topic
Share current methods for 10 minutes Approach, rationale, positives, negatives Collect notes for all methods Elect a spokesperson for your table


4 How does your organization “acquire project team” ?
TOPIC #1 How does your organization “acquire project team” ?

5 Topic #1 – Staff Acquisition
First, develop a Human Resource Plan Identify and document project roles, responsibilities Identify required skills, Identify reporting relationships create a staffing management plan

6 Topic #1 – Staff Acquisition
Develop a Staffing Management Plan Describes when and how human resources requirements will be met. Plan is updated continually during the project Will staff come from within? Will we use external resources? Will we use contracted resources? Will team members work in a central location?

7 Topic #1 – Staff Acquisition
Acquire Project Team Display PMBOK page 226 K:\Real World PM\PMBOKGuide_FourthEdition_protected.pdf

8 How does your organization “develop project team” ?
TOPIC #2 How does your organization “develop project team” ?

9 Topic #2 – Develop Project Team
Display PMBOK page 260 – 267 K:\Real World PM\PMBOKGuide_FourthEdition_protected.pdf

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