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The Universality of Social Stratification

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1 The Universality of Social Stratification
Why is social stratification found everywhere? Old textbook pages ,

2 Why is Social Stratification Universal?
So, what is it about social life that makes all societies stratified? To answer this question, functionalists ask themselves: Why do we need social stratification? What functions does stratification serve? To answer this question, conflict theorists ask themselves: How does stratification help the powerful? How does stratification keep the powerless in their place?

3 Functionalists’ Answer: Why is Social Stratification Universal?
Davis and Moore Problems: Who determines what’s most important? If this were true, we’d be a meritocracy, but we’re not If stratification were soooooo functional, it would benefit more people States that stratification is inevitable because: Society must make certain that its positions are filled Some positions are more important than others The more important positions must be filled by more qualified people To motivate the more qualified people to fill these positions, society must offer them greater rewards

4 Conflict Theorists’ Answer: Why is Social Stratification Universal?
#1: Mosca: Societies are inevitably stratified by power because: No society can exist unless its organized. This requires leadership of some sort to coordinate people’s actions and get things done. Leadership means inequalities of power. Some people take leadership positions while others follow. Human nature is self-centered. Therefore, people in power will use their positions to seize greater rewards for themselves. #2: Marx: The ruling class is able to keep their power because: People in power are not there because of superior traits; this is just what the elites say to justify their being at the top. The idea that the powerful are superior seduces the oppressed into believing that their welfare depends on keeping society as it is.

5 Conflict Theorists’ Answer: How do Elites Maintain Stratification?
Controlling ideas: Elites control army Elites control religion More effective than brute force commoners are less likely to recognize the instruments controlling them and are therefore less likely to rebel Controlling information and technology: Muffle criticism by imprisoning, torturing, or killing critics Manipulation of media Homeland Security-type laws

6 Conflict Theorists’ Answer: How is Stratification Maintained Globally?
In other words: Why do the same countries remain rich year after year while the rest stay poor? Multinational Corporations: Companies that operate in many different countries influence politics in poor countries, pushing for low taxes and cheap labor Profits go to headquarters which is in rich country, not poor Neocolonialism: Rich countries sell weapons and manufactured goods to poor countries on credit Poor countries in debt to rich countries so they submit

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