Prophet Salih and the people of Thamud

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1 Prophet Salih and the people of Thamud
Sister Khadija

2 After destroying the people of Ad Allah created the people of Thamud

3 Allah gave them……. Thamud were giants who carved out houses for themselves in the mountains

4 Just like the people before them, Shaytaan tricked them in believing that idols had given them all of these great blessings Shaytaan made them feel so proud of their great strength that they slowly became cruel to others

5 Allah sent……….. Honest Good

6 Prophet Salih warned the people of Thamud and reminded them of the people of Ad
Some believed Most denied The people were very disappointed and said: “Before this, we had a lot of hope in you Salih ! Are you trying to stop us worshipping the gods our fathers worshipped”

7 The great camel The people said to Salih we promise we will believe in
Allah if you bring to us a red-she camel, that must have a 10 month baby camel in it’s stomach. Salih remembered their promise so he asked Allah to carry out the miracle.

8 So Allah brought a camel from the rock right before their eyes…….
Some kept their promises where as the others refused and kept their pride and called him a magician and said it was a magic trick They were shocked………

9 The camel was larger than all the other animals…….
The people were very scared as the other animals could not drink from the well, so they complained to Salih and finally agreed that the camel would drink one day and the other animals would drink the next day. Salih warned them that if they harmed the she-camel Allah would punish them

10 The evil plan and the punishment
The people had enough because the camel proved that Allah existed, a group of them decided to kill the camel so they fired an arrow at it’s leg making it weak, she was not able to run away so they killed her. They challenged Salih to make Allah punish them, “if you are a prophet bring us the punishment”, Salih said “Enjoy your life for three more days then the punishment will fall on you”

11 One night all 9 leaders had
And it carries on………. One night all 9 leaders had a secret meeting and decided, let’s all promise to go one of these nights and kill Salih and his whole family, then we will lie to everyone and say we did not see anything.

12 Three days had passed and Allah had something else planned,
Finally….. Three days had passed and Allah had something else planned, Salih and his followers left and Allah struck Thamud with Thunderbolts. He then caused a big earthquake and shook the land violently, they were all destroyed. Their mighty houses did not save them from Allah, there were no traces left it was as if they never lived at all.

13 Lessons We should take a lesson from what happened to people in the past when they disobey Allah We should not be cruel to people Prophets are sent to guide people to good Allah has power to do everything He made a living (she camel) Come out of something that is not living ( a rock)

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