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(A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (× 40) and (B) at higher magnification (× 100). (A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (×

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Presentation on theme: "(A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (× 40) and (B) at higher magnification (× 100). (A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (×"— Presentation transcript:

1 (A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (× 40) and (B) at higher magnification (× 100).
(A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (× 40) and (B) at higher magnification (× 100). (C) Submucosal thrombosed blood vessels and vascular congestion with red blood cells sickling (× 100) and (D) at higher magnification (× 600). (All stained with haematoxylin and eosin.)‏ A Karim et al. Postgrad Med J 2002;78: Copyright © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine. All rights reserved.

Download ppt "(A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (× 40) and (B) at higher magnification (× 100). (A) Colonic mucosa with inflammation and necrosis (×"

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