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Introduction Main Group Metals

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1 Introduction Main Group Metals
12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

2 Main group metal compounds
Structures s bonds and 3c-2e (or even 4c-2e) bonds Synthesis the first M-C bond Reactivity auxiliaries in organic synthesis source of organic groups for transition metals 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

3 Introduction Main Group Metals
Structures Not always 8/18 e "Too many" electrons if: large atomic radius electropositive elements small ligands chelate structures "Too few" electrons for: small atomic radius less electropositive elements 8/18 e "preference" rather than "rule" 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

4 Introduction Main Group Metals
Structures Strong preference for s-donor groups but Cp is often p-bound Electropositive metals: often 3c-2e hydrides/alkyls as "stopgap" 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

5 Reactivity as Nucleophile
Addition to polar C=X bonds (C=O, C=N, CºN) Substitution at sp2 carbon (often via addition) 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

6 Reactivity as Nucleophile
Substitution at sp3 carbon does occur but is far less easy and often has a multistep mechanism Substitution at other elements: often easy for polar M-X bonds (Si-Cl, B-OMe) 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

7 Introduction Main Group Metals
Reactivity as Base Elimination Metallation chelate effect more important than inductive effect! 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

8 Introduction Main Group Metals
Reactivity as Base Metallation (2) Only acidic C-H bonds (acetylenes, cyclopentadiene) react without "assistance" by coordinating groups 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

9 Introduction Main Group Metals
Reactivity as Base Reaction with acidic X-H bonds also with amines, amides etc (LDA!) deprotonating X-H bonds is kinetically much easier than C-H bonds 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

10 Reactivity as Reductor
b-hydrogen transfer mainly for Al: for more electropositive elements, deprotonation and nucleophilic attack are faster for less electropositive elements, often no reaction 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

11 Reactivity as Reductor
Single-electron transfer (SET) For electropositive elements: M has a low electron affinity the M-C bonding orbital is high in energy SET from there to another molecule is easy 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

12 Introduction Main Group Metals
Synthesis Direct synthesis only for electropositive metals Transmetallation M more electropositive than M' 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

13 Introduction Main Group Metals
Synthesis Metal-halogen exchange mainly for R = alkyl, R' = aryl Addition of hydrides to olefins mainly for B, Al 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

14 Introduction Main Group Metals
Synthesis Metallation of C-H bonds often assisted/directed by chelate effect 12/7/2018 Introduction Main Group Metals

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