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“Your Digital Footprint” Career Preparedness

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1 “Your Digital Footprint” Career Preparedness 2014-2015
Digital Citizenship “Your Digital Footprint” Career Preparedness

2 Learning Objectives: Students will be able to….
learn that they have a digital footprint and that information from it can be seen by many people. recognize that their online information can be both helpful or harmful to their reputation. what they want their digital footprints to look like

3 Warm-Up How many of you have…..
sent a message or posted a comment online? created a profile on a social media network site? used some sort of photo-saving app? Googled your own name? Were there any results about you? Take a minute, google your name, see what comes up Let a few students log-in and see if they are pulled up on google?

4 Warm-UP Filling out a form, sending an , posting a photo, etc (anything you do online) leaves a trail. This is called your DIGITAL FOOTPRINT. It is made up by the pieces of information on your computer and computers around the world that allows people to learn about you.

5 Key Terms: Digital Footprint- all of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally. Imagery- drawings or illustrations, often symbolic. Persistent- lasting a long time, if not forever, such as information that one posts online that does not go away because it is passed on and spread. Invisible Audience- anyone who can see information about you or posted by you online.

6 “The Digital Footprint”
Let’s watch this video about “The Digital Footprint” Observe the imagery in this video and think about what the images might convey about privacy. Example: Trash Bin on your computer serves as a garbage can for your files.

7 Imagery In The Video Lighthouse- search engines and social network sites can reveal a lot about people. It’s easy to discover information about people using the Internet. Copies and Whispering in Ear- Information can be forwarded to many others, sometimes after having been altered first. Stadium/Jumbotron- anything can be publicity broadcast online for all to see. Permanent Marker- once information is online, it is very difficult to take it down because others can copy and distribute itl.

8 Video: Abbas’s Story--Pride in Your Digital Footprint
Let’s watch the video about Abbas.

9 Reflection Examine your assumptions when viewing information online.
Think about how a digital footprint can be somewhat out of control if others post information about you that is untrue or damaging. It can be “somewhat” under control when you make good decisions on what to post about yourself and what you send to others.

10 Use Common Sense! Think before you post, because many things you do online will add to your digital footprint. Remember to review your privacy settings. Perform a search on yourself every so often to see what your digital footprint looks like.

11 Essential Question: How can information you post on the Internet affect your future opportunities?

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