Game on Meiji Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Game on Meiji Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Game on Meiji Japan

2 Basics about Japan Indigenous religion – Shinto
Heavily influenced by Chinese Confucianism and Buddhism – Japanese sect “Zen” Christianity is virtually not present in practice, though modern Japanese do enjoy celebrating Christian holidays like Christmas (kitsch)

3 Feudal Japan: Shogun, Samurai and Male Bravado up the Wazoo
Since the 12th century, Japan had been a feudal state Structure: Shogun (warlord) Daimyo – lords Samurai – knights/warriors Serfs/peasants Merchants (outside the social structure – dealt with foreigners and material wealth, considered impure)

4 Bushido – Honor code –”way of the warrior”
Bushido – Honor code –”way of the warrior”. Tempered extreme violence of military lifestyle with tenets of local religion and philosophy

5 Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1868)
After a series of civil wars over centuries, Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu took control and created a hereditary shogunate Emperor and family still considered royalty, but had no real power

6 Foreign Advances In the 16th and 17th century, foreign missionaries were allowed into Japan. Christian conversion was frowned upon and ultimately banned – missionaries given the boot (forcibly) Sakoku- isolationism Lasted until 1858 – Commodore Matthew Perry showed up with naval forces. Forced Japan to sign peace treaties with US and eventually other nations did the same


8 Restoration of An Empire
1868 – Meiji Restoration (literally “Enlightened Rule”) Return to emperor’s rule Upheaval in social structure in Japan Adoption of a constitution in 1889 Values similar to Victorian England Rise of an educated bourgeoisie, esp in Kyoto and Edo (Tokyo)


10 Historically women and men had seen not too much of a distinction between the abilities of their sexes By the time the Meiji era rolled in, so did Victorian values about women and men, as well as sexuality (suppression of expression)


12 Effects of Meiji Control
Industrialization and Modernization Universal education Textile production Coal production Railroads Merchant marine Militarization – swept away samurai class, forced conscription on all males of 21 y.o.

13 Imperial power Japanese imperial gains against China Russia
Showed their might to Western nations like Great Britain and US (Allies with Britain in WW1)

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