When do we need to use commas?

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Presentation on theme: "When do we need to use commas?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When do we need to use commas?
Reviewing Commas When do we need to use commas?

2 When do we need to use commas?
In a list to separate ideas/items. In sentences to separate main and subordinate clauses. Be careful how you use commas. If you have two main clauses you should not use a comma. This is a comma splice. Instead you can: Add a connective Use a full stop Use a semi colon

3 Add the commas to the sentences below. Be careful though
Add the commas to the sentences below. Be careful though. Some have two main ideas and therefore need a different type of punctuation. The cat which was extremely thin desperately needed some food. You will need eggs flour butter and sugar to make the cake. I really enjoy dancing I enjoy playing music too. Even though he was running late he decided to have five more minutes in bed. I usually walk to school my Dad gave me a lift today. Tom who had injured his ankle couldn’t play in the football match.

4 Check Your Answers Did you find the comma splices?
The cat, which was extremely thin, desperately needed some food. You will need eggs, flour, butter and sugar to make the cake. I really enjoy dancing. I enjoy playing music too. Comma Splice Even though he was running late, he decided to have five more minutes in bed. I usually walk to school. My Dad gave me a lift today. Comma Splice Tom, who had injured his ankle, couldn’t play in the football match.

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